Oh my goodness, Lisa three months and another surgery! Peanut butterok for dogs in moderation as long as your dog isnt prone to, Raw or cooked veggiesother than onions and garlic since they are toxic to dogs, Fruitbeware of grapes, which are toxic to dogs, and blueberries which may stain your carpet. The damage from the torn CCL could worsen their condition. These little rubber rings go around a dogs toenails to help give added traction on slippery floors. Keep up the good work and try to be patient. We are almost 2 weeks post op. I hope you can find the answers you need to help relieve your dogs discomfort. Then you can gradually increase how much exercise your dog gets until he or she is back to normal activity levels. Jennifer. Wishing you both the best. Question Use a crate or indoor fence to help keep activity levels low. I would also suggest asking about laser treatments if pain is still a problem. You are right to be concerned about your dog limping on his left leg again. This is where his or her people are and where he or she feels comfortable. Hi Jessica, Unfortunately, you may never really know what caused this surgical repair to fail. I am hopeful your big guy can find some relief and get back to living his best life soon. Your best bet is to have your dog examined by your veterinarian. They can bunch up and could cause your dog to trip and fall. Hi Lisa. Key factors include: Surgeon (General Practice Vet vs Board Certified Surgeon) The location of the hospital that the procedure is being performed in. She is eight out of ten: lethargic.. She hasnt had pain meds in three days, BTW. He has been weight bearing with limited limping the whole time. We will be taking her there this Tuesday and she will be staying 2 to 3 weeks. They x-rayed her knees twice and they were fine. Without examining your dog, myself, it is hard to know for sure why he doesnt have full use of his leg. Is the end goal to make the trembling go away? My 80 lb GSD mix had bilateral tplo about five weeks ago and Im concerned his progress is slow. She is walking, but a little wobbly. My dog Dale is 4 months post bilateral TPLO he definitely favors one leg and limps occasionally on only that leg. He doesnt drink much anyway but what should I be looking for? My best advice is to talk to your vet or schedule a consultation with a veterinary rehabilitation professional. You only get one chance to help your dogs TPLO heal correctly. To correct the slope, the top of the shin bone is rotated until the slope is level. After surgery she was sent home in a full splint/cast for seven days. I am not sure I can put her through another TPLO as she had a really tough time including gastroenteritis from the NSAIDs, pain meds, and was not eating or drinking well. Did her limping start around the same time she started increasing her activity? They can also evaluate him to see if he is progressing normally or if he is falling behind. she severed both jumping on the deck 2 weeks ago. Price guide - Fitzpatrick Referrals I highly recommend you schedule an appointment for your vet to evaluate Grizzly. crossing my fingers!!!! Expert Answers from a Vet. With that being said, limb weakness/neurological issues can be a temporary side effect of some pain medications commonly used for orthopedic surgery patients. Praying for a positive outcome and some comfort for your nerves. Have your heard about any success with this modality? The cost for two seems almost impossible to fathom ($12,000ish). Practice makes perfect; a track record and comfort level the surgeon has with a procedure does make a difference. We brought her home 2 weeks ago. I think it would be best to reach out to your vet or the surgeon who performed the knee surgery. A dogs shin bone is sloped where it meets the thigh bone at the knee. Physical therapy is always a great option. For potty he goes straight down the ramp into a 610 pen no running in the yard or anything. I am sorry your girl is having these issues with her leg, and I understand why you are worried. We have floorboards and sometimes he slips a little and Im worried this will damage his knee. I cant help thinking he has been to active. Please let me know how your dog is doing. Best wishes and good luck! There is currently quite a backlog of comments. After much consideration, I opted to do both of her knees at the same time, as the recovery would be much easier and less stressful on her, and myself as well.. I thought it was initially muscles and have been massaging her hip and thigh. The procedure is unfortunately not new to us. I am sorry I am just now responding. She is back to normal activity but yesterday we noticed a soft squishy lump on the inside of her one legs under where her incision was made. If you determine that your dog is overweight, work with your veterinarian to help your dog lose weight. I live in the Texas Panhandle and his surgery was in Albuquerque, so Im not sure if we have underwater rehab options nearby. Just wondering how things are going today. Hang in there itll come out all right!! The vet required her to be crated for about 3 weeks, only be taken out on leash, not allowed to get up and run/walk around until she had healed, then its a series of short walks until they are back to normal, which is about total5- 6 weeks. I completely understand what a challenge it can be to live with a grumpy old senior pup. Back to herself, walking well on leash. Thank you! Cost of the surgery itself is usually around $700 plus the price of the metal plate and screws . Cheers! (2021). Hopefully underwater treadmill exercises are the answer Ive heard thats the best option after this type of surgery. Hi Dr Buzby, Thankfully modern-day animal medicine now has physical therapy for animals available. More specifically, it keeps the tibia (i.e. They can evaluate Happy and let you know if she is falling behind with her recovery. Developed by Dr. Barclay Slocum, the TPLO surgery was originally considered a radical procedure for addressing canine ACL injuries. What is TPLO Surgery? They have since grown back. Our 9.5 year old Old English Sheep Dog called Paddy had his second TPLO done 1 week ago and I am beside myself worried he will damage the knee. She has been confined (small area) and resting as prescribed the last 11 days. I am surprised you are seeing this issue 3 years after your dogs TPLO! Many thanks to my vet Dr. Gordon Corfield Gold Coast AUSTRALIA a tremendous surgeon. In any case, his follow-up appointment is March 3rd and well know more at that point. I am not sure if there is anything that can be done to avoid another surgery. By signing up, I agree to GoodRx's Terms and Privacy Policy, and to receive marketing messages from GoodRx. Together these superstar ingredients reduce inflammation and promote joint healthtwo things that are very good for post-op dogs. You can also get acepromazine (sedative) if you need some help keeping your pup quiet in the crate. It could also be due to a very full bladder, and she just cant hold it well, so it starts to leak as she heads outside. If your dog isnt crate trained, I strongly recommend working on it before surgery. Harry is a house dog so he was use to staying inside with the help of Pain relief and antibiotics I was walking (short walks) Harry after the first week, now 2 years on and his other leg also having a TPLO, Harry is as fit as ever. They should be monitoring the progress periodically and checking in to make sure all is well. Im doing the exercises with Paddy and hes not in pain and the range of motion is good. Inside the house his limp is even more exaggerated than before, and he tends to dangle his leg over the ground when standing, rather than placing it on the ground as he had previously done. I cant seem to find my comment from 2 days ago so thought Id post it again. Just like us, dogs may tremble or shake when they are in pain. How traumatic for your dog, I dont understand the vets reason for this? Dr. Julie Buzby June 20, 2022 102 Comments. I dont know your circumstances, but if you live in a more populated location, there may be rehab available close to you. Praying for a complete recovery for your pup! My 100# Doberman had TPLO 4 weeks ago. Required fields are marked *. This combination is a recipe for weight gain if you continue to feed your dog the same amount of kibble as before surgery. When surgery is out of the question for some furry friends, your vet may discuss the following options with you. The sooner you can schedule an appointment to have your girl evaluated the better. He had to have TPLO surgery on his left leg on 22 Aug 2022, as well as a meniscus repair. Just wondering if maybe she over did it a bit and the lameness will regress on its own after the inflammation calms down. Hi Ayla, They may need to take some x-rays to evaluate the surgical site and plate. Practically speaking, this translates to the symptoms you see such as reluctance to move, difficulty changing from one position to another, and limping. The fact that it is winter with about 10 inches of snow (and ice) on the ground and temps in the teens is not helping with getting enough exercise. Thats a lot for anyone to go through in such a short period of timesounds like your girl is a fighter! Sometimes a dog will develop a seroma. My Female Lab tore her Tplo 3 weeks ago, She came down with a UTIi because she held her urine in. This does not sound normal to me, and I highly recommend you push for some more investigation. This renders the knee more stable, in the absence of the CrCL. Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles. Is your pup taking Gabapentin by any chance? without limping). Keep your dog on a short (four to six foot) leash right by your side and only stay out long enough for your dog to eliminate. I wish I could say there was an easy way, but my own experience is that, with a large dog, it is very difficult. Keep up the good work! Hi, Dr. Buzby. This is why most dogs with a torn ACL will not even put any weight on the leg, or if they do, they will just toe touch the leg to the ground. The vet said this was normal. Im happy to say that he has been doing really well since his surgery! You dont want to be frantically chasing your dog, hoping he or she isnt going to damage the surgical leg. My dog had TPLO surgery on his back left leg. Im sure youve heard the saying if you dont use it, you lose it. If there are any complications such as reinjury or infection this process can take longer. flexion), the ACL inside the knee joint is always load-bearing, meaning it always has tension on it. We plowed a path around the property and she seems to be doing better not having to walk through the deep snow. Infection is always something that needs to be ruled out. Also, some dogs may be sent home on gabapentin as one of the pain medications. Sometimes lethargy and fever can go along with a joint or bone infection. Since one ligament degrades and fails, 40-60% of dogs tear the other knee within two years of the first injury. When your dog stands, if you look from the side, you can see that your dogs knee is bent, at a slight degree of flexion averaging around 110 degrees. This is our third Rottie to have the procedure. I have a 5 year old Standard Poodle who pulled up lame. Provide water exercise as much as possible but also continue pain relief. I hate seeing him like this and I blame myself for this happening, but he was doing so well for the longest time and its been 5 months since he had gotten the surgery done. Snuffle matsThese fabric mats or balls have pockets, flaps, and tassels where you can hide small treats. Also, keep other animals out of the recovery area so your dog isnt tempted to play with them. Ive started to do joint flexes and extensions of her knees, ankles and toes 4 times a day after heating pad application. Our vet said that he may not need the second surgery because of the brace and how well hes responding to it once his other heals so we thought there was no harm in trying. 25,47,49 . I am really at a loss and scared to do this as the procedure is so expensive and no guarantees that we wont have further problems later on. I can rub liniment on his back and up and down his leg so not tender to the touch but all he wants to do is lie down and give his body a rest. Plus we offer a variety ofresourcesandvideosto support you in whatever you decide. A typical TPLO surgery will cost between $2500 and $3500. The content is presented solely for informational purposes and may not be relied upon to replace face-to-face medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by professional pet healthcare providers. During the first 2 to 3 days following surgery, apply an ice pack to your dogs incision as instructed by your veterinarian. I do think it would be best to have your vet take a look at your dog prior to the 2 week recheck. I have 4 children with three of them attending university right now. Haha! I understand your concern for your pup and this ongoing pain he is experiencing. Can you still hear the popping noise today? 8 to 12 weeks post-opBy now some dogs are normal at the walk. Hi Christel has Zoe been diagnosed with torn ligaments acl (anterior cruciate ligament) xray cannot tell this but your vet should be able to manipulate your dogs leg and tell if it is a torn ligament. Or shifted the screws? Double TPLO Surgery for Dogs - Whole Dog Journal They can let you know what to expect during the recovery phase and what symptoms to be on the lookout for. First, the vet will remove the torn CCL and examine the cartilage between the bones for additional damage. He seemed to have made a pretty strong recovery from both. Best wishes and good luck! That way, should you need to open the door, you can have your dog on a leash first. If your veterinarian recommends TPLO surgery after a torn CCL diagnosis, then yes, your dog likely needs the procedure. Your dog's breed and weight. Sometimes a dog just needs someone to be there with them. Anyone else had problems? Flexerna Omega is a daily omega-3 joint supplement designed for dogs of all ages to naturally support their joints and improve everyday comfort. The surgeon choose TPLO for her because of her height (standard poodle cross), her weight (90lbs), and the fact that she would have to support both legs through rehab (he chose the heaviest of the plates). We welcome your comments and questions about senior dog care. He has never acted like a dog that had a serious surgery. I understand your concern for your dog and think it is great you are monitoring her recovery so closely. Though 2 rounds of antibiotics for a week each, Needless to say she licks it constantly and sleeves we purchased work but if shes alone eventually the sleeve loosens and she back licking and irritating the area and tunnels, According to the X-rays her veterinarian says screws are intact, Removal of the screws and plates has been suggested as the only option, Any feedback Dr. Buzby would be appreciated. She is able to walk 1x 30 minutes walk (2km) and another 1-1.5km walk per day, and is not limping but I cannot help but notice she looks like she has to put a lot of effort into walking. Unfortunately, since I havent examined him myself, it is hard to accurately understand what the issues are and how to advise you to proceed. If you have any concerns about how the recovery process is going, make sure to reach out to your vet. He or she focuses more on the environment than on the sore leg so the limping disappears. Best wishes! And is the swelling normal? I slept with him on the floor for 2 weeks till the stitches came out. Initially, your dog will need an X-Ray, which can cost around $200. Khuly, P. (n.d.). Since I havent examined your dog myself, I cant make specific conclusions. Playing games that mentally stimulate dogs can be a very effective way of turning boredom around. Still, no toe-touching. They can let you know if this is normal or if more investigation is needed. My dog had TPLO Surgery about a year ago. I hope your baby has had better luck. I hope you can find the answers you need, and you receive good news at the recheck. Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy: My Two Cents on TPLO Repair We are keeping her confined and calm as much as possible, constantly on a leash and only going outside to potty. Attempting to escape from the crate or jump over a baby gate can cause serious injury to a recovering dog. They are there to help your dog have a successful recovery. I feel like you may need to do some more investigation to get an answer. He is also going to give her some muscle building steroids. As a word of caution, this one isnt good for reactive dogs who would get worked up or start running around. The leg can definitely still recover without the exercises being done. Like your dog, he often scoots around on his butt, so any insight would be greatly appreciated! All of these decrease the chances of a successful recovery. However, I have noticed that her surgery leg tends to push outward at the knee a bit when she puts too much weight on it. 3 years after TPLO our dogs hardware is causing drainage tracts and open wounds, Somehow she has had infections The rehab vet can also let you know if hydrotherapy is a good option or if they do have concerns about the surgical site/hardware. Too much activity can prevent bone healing causing a non-union or complete lack of bone growth in the cut/fractured area. I am planning to get the surgery done for his right knee next year. I will let you know how she is doing in rehab. Since I havent examined your pup myself, I cant make specific conclusions. My Cyrus (80lb Goldendoodle) is scheduled for TPLO surgery this Thursday. Teddy recovering in the wards, the evening after his TPLO surgery. TPLO surgery cost can vary greatly. Day 6Daisy is still unable to raise herself up from a sitting position but Im sure that will come with time. If there is significant pain, administer a doggie aspirin; also use a supplement with MSM/glucosamine/chondroitin daily to help support the joints. I am glad you are reaching out about how to transition your pup back to normal activity after surgery. It is well understood that all pet owners absolutely hate theE-Collarie. But they can also be sudden injuries. The surgeon may also give you a list of passive range of motion exercises for dogs or other ideas for helping your dog recovery physically. Then it may change over time to purple or shades of yellowish-green. Or work on the leave it command. For the kind of help most dogs need, I would recommend the GingerLead Support and Rehabilitation Harness or a similar as needed sling. I apologize for the delay in responding. In a TPLO procedure, the tibial plateau, the portion of the tibia adjoining the stifle, is cut and rotated so that its slope changes to approximately 5 degrees from the horizontal plane.This prevents the femur from sliding down the slope of the tibial plateau when the dog puts weight on its knee. However, her leg does tremble often during and after exercise The vet said that this would resolve as she regained muscle and got strength back in the leg but it has not resolved at all.