Hes using the same shameful tactics as Operation Choke Point any means available to attempt to remove guns from the US citizen. I hate obama. Talking to Liberals is just exhausting and such a waste of time. You could not care less about Brian Terry could you? Americans must oppose such decisions i.e. 2. Then again if it rains out your buddies cookout most of you guys blame Obama. Are they going to sequester any money sent from the US to them? Our long-term hope is that the next President will repeal EO 13662. I agree with you completely, but holy hell man. This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol: Trump Expands What Obama StartedBanning Russian Rifle Imports. To thing that my time served was for this jackass. liberals are idiots. Home Firearms Obama Signs Executive Order Banning AK-47s. First off in order to properly lay all the facts on the table, there are only two official categories of travel for the President, First Lady, and Vice President: They are either Official or Political. Several factors include declining exports, the Russian military prioritizing precision-guided weapons in its budget, and increased pressure from authorities on the Russian civilian market before the 2018 World Cup. To much money on the line internationally for the sanction to not be lifted at some point. I know Bush was no prize but update, Obama is president now and is responsible. I am taking a contrary position to most. Free nachos for you any time. Lots of people here getting their facts from fox . Second, his entire agenda has been to weaken this country, and the people. Thank you for subscribing to our gunsmithing blog! With everyone in the house hold able to use them. Even so taking the Fed shotdown as a victory there are wars on States individual laws going on. I however do not care Im in. What ever they say goes. The End. And although it may inconvenience us (the US market), there are several different ways in which one could purchase an AK if they choose to. No different than pork barrel spending. Obama will have Putin backing down again, as he has every time. Other presidents have been impeached fore much less then what he has done. This is the single most important issue facing the country right now.. WHO TOOK THE MOST VACATIONS AND WHO SPENT THE MOST MONEY ON VACATION. The law stated that he must advise Congress within 30 days about any plans to transfer detainees from GITMO. If I were Putin I would drop tens of thousands of AKs from planes over the U.S. What better way to tell Obama to stick it. Everytime we dont (Im guilty as well), we lose respect and credibility (from anti-, undecided-, and pro-gunners) and hurt or cause. Yeah, this threat is not ended until she is removed from office, one way or another You use vulgarity here, especially when referring to Feinslime. I just dont see how punishing Russia over the Ukraine is an overwhelming state interest when it comes to the second amendment. Those not so directly controlled are still very effectively influenced while the vast majority are simply fooled by lies, false flags, etc. shall not be infringed. Where in this amendment is there allowance for an executive order that constrains a citizens right to own a Russian made AK-47, should the citizen chose that manner of armament? The state uses a tripartite part test (Physical appearance, Functionality, Interchangeable parts) to determine what You are a sheep Ramone you are just following the lies coming from the left. And of course lacking their own intellect, these libs have to fall back on their talking points handbook and find themselves left with Al Sharptons spin that Obama took only 93 days of vacation time as compare to Bushs 367 days. Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/06/case-impeachment-barack-hussein-obama/#MxErdxtMwUYLjx5s.99, Just a few weeks ago Obama quietly used executive actionone of his new favorite pastimesthat has got gun owners feathers in a ruffle. I wish we could still buy clothing and electronics made in the U.S.A. We have a generation of Entitled raised by a generation of Entitled and with no since of Responsibility or self-reliance. @Mc Ruger each time I get fired up about politicians, I stop and remember that in a Democracy, we always gets exactly what we deserve. On the bright side, the import ban on This only applies to folks completing purchase orders or planning to buy Citizens in possession of products by the specified vendors are not affected. If the people keep knuckling under and complying with illegal laws, bans and everything else odious to the Second Amendment in particular and the US Constitution in general the people in office will continue to infringe. He created 2 of the worst agencies ever. actually to make sure we have all the facts on the table. Hey Dive, how about you just step your immature rude ass aside and allow us grownups to answer in a more sophisticated and non-demeaning manner. Overly hot bouncy ass pieces of shit!!! Because it is cheaper? The Firearms Safety Act of 2013 is highly controversial legislation that bans certain rifles, pistols and shotguns, deeming Just the same, this will definitely cause the price of ammo to go up, as the supply will become strained. / CBS Chicago. Thats all fox news and conservative talk radio b.s.. Clip was probably from several months back-I do not remember as it was not especially memorable to me as I already know this as a fact supported by PPSimmons youtube vid on Jesuss reference to Obama in Luke 10;18 and many other reported references to Obama as Satan in the Bible. You are a Republican and they are just the right side of the Democrat Party. Beginning in the 1890s, Izamash began mass producing the Mosin-Nagant, and during World War I, it produced 1.4 million rifles for the Russian Army. Price: $49.95. This ruleing will not hurt our economy. He open mics it and tells the Russian President, Medvedev, he would be more flexible after he was elected to his second, (another disatorous) term. Gov. Over the last few days I had reviewed a vid of Alex Jones program where he FINALLY openly refers to Obama as Satan. and our All rights reserved. A president picks and chooses which sanctions to impose, so Obama had literally thousands of alternatives, with even more affective means, other than to go for the gun industry. This is about weakining a totalilarian ruler who wants to invade and control the freedoms of eastern europe and beyond. John Lawler Feb 23, 2012 at 15:04 1 If other countries have AK ammo to sell, Im assuming we can get that. He is no better than the person in office in fact worse he needs to be ousted for treason in my opion. I guess we need to take time once in a while to vent even if it is about vacations.I certainly understand your need to keep the record straight. This is all a ploy by gun businesses to sell more guns. Despite this, I back this rule as I believe a Republican president would/should do the same. I like the way they handle govt. Go take a sensitivity class or something. I read something a while back that went something like: Its not Obama we need to worry about its the people that support him. Did President Obama ban Russian vodka also? Being the communist that he is, one would think that he would love Russia and RUssian goods. At the rate theyre going I think we are going to make history in the next few elections. Required fields are marked *. However from what I know I think Kennedy really tried to break out of the puppet job and fight the system. Education: University of Chicago, Ph.B. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. We look forward to meeting you and gunsmithing for you. Not all, but probably most here are to young to remember the Cuban missile crisis. Biloxi to be specific. That monkey in office needs to get lead poisoning today. Gay rights are are far more important than the rights we as tax payers and citizens were guaranteed in the constitution and bill of rights. Its been happening your entire kife. Go back down to Moms basement lay down and look at your sexy Pelosi poster its been a hard day for you. Who ever believes in our government has some serious issues if they do not see what has been going on. @Jim Kane perfect example of fear-mongering and extremist views. This is a ploy to sell more AKs. What shows this Ak/Saiga ban is a Hyppocritical move to suppress our Gun Rights is that Obama doesnt apply the same rules to himself. Listen, hes given amnesty for illegals who entered the U.S. before the age of 16. First published on April 29, 2023 / 7:18 PM. Start at the top and work down and let them know that were fed up. I would be willing to pay more for American made products. Say Turkey for instance. After all you should never let a good crisis go to waste and frankly I am not an AK guy either. Really ! Electronic equipment: $4,914,638,000 (0.9%) What a crock of shitObama is a worthless Asshole Lowlife scummer! The Military uses more Ammunition for the purpose of Training ALL-YOU KNUCKLE-HEADS then they do in Combat. If Putin is intent on reforming the GLORIES of his KGB days with the Soviets, we should do what was done when Ronald Reagan was President BUY NO RUSSIAN GOODS.. Oh by the way the IRS has already apologized for their targeting of Conservative groups which lends itself to being illegal by statute. Now is NOT the time to rest or celebrate now is the time to let legislators know if they TOUCH anything similar to this.. it will be the LAST thing they touch. Before I had found any evidence of Obama being Satan on youtube as reported from the Bible, I had already (Jan. 2013) concluded that he was due to my finally being able to establish that he was, as I supposed, lying about being a Christiam and was actually a muslim (which means idiot)- as most Christians can likely see Islam is effectively Satans religion. Occupation: Community organizer, writer, political activist, socialist democrat. That being said. It was issued as a test to see how far Obama could go to attack the Second Amendment or impose more gun control prior to the 2014 Mid-term Elections. Think i saw pelosi looking zombie targets @ cabelas lol. Its a shorthand term used in law enforcement. Stick with the facts. I am not sure but it may have been some Ukrainian guy who bought Kalashnikov concern and is moving production to Ukraine. I agree that they are puppets and that include RR as much as I liked him. The only difference is MSNBC uses the official approved lies. Kept playing plunder to level the new AR, and got another 30 kill game and disconnected. That Bush action opened the door for anything goes. They have also made it so their families and them selves dont have to repay government loans such as student loans. We voted in term limits and we have some of these clowns who have been in office so long that theyll probably die there of natural causes. We hope you enjoyed this weeks gunsmithing feat. Looks consistent with the American policy of punishing Russian oligarchs for the behavior of their little Tsar. The Patriot Act and massive multiple executive orders were supported by the traitor Bush. @ 12EO333: In reference to your comments back on page 4 To prevent making a fool of yourself you should attempt to research some facts first. Their aim is to hurt Russias economy. Nice! The only viable company which could rescue Molot, the paper noted, is Kalashnikov Concern. This comes after a downstate judge temporarily halted the state's ban on so-called assault weapons and high capacity magazines. The President AND CONGRESS are shameless in their lack of basic economic understanding. I think it important that you be acknowledged that your efforts are duly noted. I do not think that signing an Executive order is the real problem here. Pasted as rich text. The past affected todays world. The Patriot Act was a law passed by Congress. They made the mess and were (America) still cleaning it up. The Republicans are pusillanimous peewees, they dont do anything about it and they should stand up and be counted instead of running for the exit every time they bring this up. Because of import restrictions regarding certain calibers, these combat shotguns had to be reconfigured into sporting shotguns. No need to get hysterical over it or use it for political purposes. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars. i.e. Hot Take: Trump doesn't actually care about the 2nd Amendment. Theres enough of them out there. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. The obvious question of transactions in progress was immediately raised, and the Treasury Department offered a quick clarification: 374. It is just sad. And no, you may not lump preparations and security together. He has been doing this crap since the start. Most of the guys apparently were not very good at it. I hope when its all gone youre happy. It was a ban on AKs it was a ban on anything being imported thats russian made want to mention that a little more than saying it was just against AKs. In plain English, itmeans as long as you own the product and do not owe Kalashnikov Concern any money for it, you are clear of the executive order, can shoot, sell or do whatever you please with the firearm or part within the limits of the existing laws. There's two meanings for pre-ban for the mac line of firearms. women) THATS THE WORD IMPEACH, PASS IT ON. Am I able to resell a Kalashnikov product at a gun show or other secondary market? Now, punishing Americans; thats an entirely different matter. Amen, There is no reason to fund are Enemy, U as a american should no that , We really should have stopped purchasing the shit our selves and there wouldnt of been a band! I am sure that Putins response will be to immediately ban imports of American products totaling at least 10 times the revenue stream. There is a third category known as Unofficial, but is reserved for very unique circumstances and rarely if ever used. Not just here but in the politicsl process. I dont buy Russian ammo, nor will I buy Russian weapons. There are plenty of USA manufacturers of AK variants that Id rather buy from anyway. Lies, division, and negativity. I stopped buying their cheap corrosive ammo a while back when I got a reloading press and Im glad that I did. NB, In thing both Moldova and Georgia, took place during George Ws administration. If that not a crisis, I dont know what is. This is the best comment I have ever seen! Blame the director of the AFT at the time for the screw up. The question now is, Who does EO 13662 impact more; the Russian manufacturers, or the American companies that import and distribute the of Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles?. This countries biggest mistake to NEVER BE REPEATED AGAIN! Do you think Cam would be willing to run? The ban applies to Russian made AKs, not all AKs. There was a possible assault weapons ban!? "It's going to be a situation where we're going to all just have to sit back and wait because these lower courts aren't going to decide this case," said CBS 2 Legal Analyst Irv Miller. At one time, America stood for something. $5,000 deductible for major medical, and the co-pays were higher then what I pay my doc for a regular visit. Thanks for listening. I have built a few and plan on building more. They (people you refer to) who dont trust this government.. At which point they would be retired from the project and it was said some made it to insane asylums so you might appreciate that it can be quite heavily effective. Lets get rid of the scumbag in the White House and put him in Gittmo where he belongs! Stand up for your Rights or dont there is no middle ground and no one to blame but yourselves. You folks are whining about this? I absolutely agree and certainly understand your passion, however, Our Republican elected officials are nearly as guilty as the socialist left. Our forebearers voted in the founding fathers: they got what they deserved. American jobs at the importer, distributor/dealers, and Saga assemblers like Arsenal Inc., Las Vegas, NV will also be impacted. I dont know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate, but most people I know dont care about the Ukraine or believe we can control what Putin does. Oh thats right he thinks he is the dictator of the world and he can do anything he wants and yes lets not forget his shit doesnt sink Oh my I almost forgot, he thinks he is above the law and only enforces the laws of the land that he wants too. And where you would expect to find Satan at this time is as the President of the United States-where he can best undermine and eventually take over the pivotal Christian country of the world-NDAA and martial law provisions, etc etc.. Come on thats pretty good. But they also effectively banned new Saiga-12 and other Kalashnikov Concern products from import to U.S. consumers. I dont see any constitutional issue banning the AK. If the ban was lifted distributors would be able to import the millions of steel core 7.62x39 surplus rounds that are sitting in Jump to content General Discussion - Any topic is welcome here!! If a U.S. person has an inventory of Kalashnikov Concern products in which Kalashnikov Concern has an interest (for example, the products are not fully paid for or are being sold on consignment), we advise that U.S. person to contact OFAC for further guidance on handling of the inventory. Kalashnikov USA, an American rifle and shotgun manufacturer, severed ties with Kalashnikov Concern in 2014. Their rifle is similar to the Saiga I previously purchased, but they offer several models of a finished rifle. Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. This has nothing to do with his being Black but you have convinced yourself that it is and that will not change. The AK-47 ban in his order is part of his gun control strategy. Clear editor. You will one day wake and FINALLY ask yourself, What the fukc happened, hiw did we get here. Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. __________________________________________________________, Born: Saul David Alinsky, January 30, 1909, Chicago, Illinois, Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. For you to make such a random statement without anything of substantive value that would convince us of your credibility, well it makes you look rather foolish. Foreign policy wise hes doing what most of us believe. But, internet is a wonderful place and the people we just based on the freedom of the internet often turnout to be something totally different in person. Developed in the 1990s, these shotguns are used for hunting and self-defense. There is still plenty to dislike about the bill, such as magazine capacity limits and a bunch of other stuff. The Patriot Act was just another failure of Republicans and the continue the failures daily. They make some very fine weapons. The ban is set to remain in place until 1 December but may be lifted "sooner" if the area receives "drought Relative family earnings at 1980 levels. By Russian government - http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/52920/photos/45675, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61041172. Cookie Notice Heck You might even consider buying American and keep our own economy fore most. It is simply an unwritten code that has always been left alone. An executive order calling for sanctions against purchasing services or products from a country that is doing bad things, seems to be appropriate. Its important to note that merely talking to a sanctioned individualIve done so myself in the course of reportingis not illegal. What a joke, the law is for one type of rifle from one country, not even the best AK around. I see it as taking parts they may need later on. I hope people can smell the coffee eventually despite some people having their head so far up their ass they can see their own teeth. Under tyranny it is right to be a rebel! This information may provide a laymans clarification, to some extent, on Presidential Executive Orders. Since Ive been old enough to vote weve had a collection of clowns in the oval office from both sides of the aisle who seemed to try to one up man ship each other in stupidity. I do not see any hidden evil intent here with regards to firearms. March 19, 2013 in Saiga 7.62 X 39. Name ONE criminal act that OBAMA did, or ONE Illegal thing he DID. This is the reason we are in the position were in. He meant well but nobody ever talked about shooting him or vilifying him every time something comes up. I dont know if the people running Stargate ever came to realize why this was happening, but in my view it was most likely because you can be detected while remote viewing especially by witches who are familiar and likely alert to such things. He has no business still being in office. The loop hole is many of the Russian Aks could be sold to a third party that can legally sell them in the U.S. Jake D. Im not even close to being a sheep. Yes, bummer that one of the things Russia is selling us happens to be one of the things I love (hey, I like cheap oil too), but the bigger issue is not giving money to an international bully. The U.S. Army JUST announced it was buying 600,000 Saiga/AK magazines (MilitaryTimes.com) for its forces! Initially this angers me but I have to reserve my opinion on this situation until the sanctions have been lifted to see if the ban is also lifted at the same time. To add to that: Knowing and believing is practicing what you know and acting on that belief. I guess what people dont understand is that if people would do what they know is right there would not have to be laws forcing them to act a certain way. Fertilizers: $9,119,157,000 (1.7%) If you were to provide evidence substantiating your claims, Id jump on the band wagon with you But, without evidence to support your comments, its just white noise. That sounds as if its time to close this thread and move on to a different topic. Sorry Concerned, Source: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/thepresidentandcabinet/a/Presidential-Executive-Orders.htm. I dont know how many Americans will suffer some form of hardship because of the import ban but Im positive the Russians will suffer more. It really is and isnt all at the same time. We should and could put nearly every social issue in this same arena. As this is the most popular and plentiful gun design in the world, we arent exactly going to run out of them. God knows there is enough garbage flying around in the media now days. Ban Stoly, not AK, and work on freezing Russian assets in Europe and U.S. Just like fried shoestring potatoes were boycotted so should Russian products. Glad I already have mine. Just wondering? Experts say it's not a slam dunk for either side, and ultimately this will go to the Supreme Court.
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