James Drury remembers 'The Virginian' co-stars - Mansfield News Journal A very classy lady and to learn that was who she really was is good to know. I grew up on Westerns and never watched this series. The show was pulled after two seasons by Congress because they . What episode of The Virginian did Betsy get married? Randy Boone, now 79 years old, played the singing cowboy Randy Benton in The Virginian. He did an interview saying he thought the show was terrible and wished he could buy up all the film and turn it into banjo picks! Thanks Kathy. . TOP 9 why did roberta shore leave the virginian BEST and NEWEST He became my best friend and I still miss him terribly you couldn't ask for a better co-star., A familiar and popular guest for years on the western convention and autograph circuit, Drury has been cutting back on travel. I have missed out on a very good show. She did her own riding on the series. she asks with a hearty laugh. " Most certainly sad that she left the show. Back Row: John Saxon, Tony Numkena, Robert Wolders, James Hampton, John Buttram, Roger Mobley, and Bobby Diamond. You would think Doug McClure would have had some feedback into the continuity of his character. Dont know if that helps at all and dont know if that is actually the answer. After The Virginian, she appeared in a few TV shows, but she then moved to Utah, where she was a radio DJ in Salt Lake City. In one of her only six television shows after her one season on The Virginian, Diane Roter joined, She took part in The Virginian TV Show's 50th Anniversary celebration with. A devout Mormon, Shore broke her contract to focus on her marriage and family, retiring at the age of 22. So I was never a Mouseketeer but I did a lot of work with them.". She is notable for her roles in the original Shaggy Dog film and as Betsy Garth on the Western television series The Virginian. When Betsy Garth (Roberta Shore) married former minister David Henderson (Glenn Corbett), declared "I don't need Shiloh anymore" and left for her new home in Pennsylvania as a preacher's wife a vital character in The Virginian departed. [2], Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Brigham Young University Motion Picture Studio, "Betsy's Exit in Season 4 of 'The Virginian' Was Art Imitating Life", "Chris Hicks: Say goodbye to Hollywood: Roberta Shore gave up fame for family", "Guest Champagne Ladies on the Lawrence Welk Show", Interview with Roberta Shore at Classic Film & TV Cafe, https://m.facebook.com/robertashorefanclub/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Roberta_Shore&oldid=1148567985, This page was last edited on 7 April 2023, at 00:00. You may also see it on INSP network when they broadcast it again. I can understand why Betsy quit the show and settled down. The old westerns were morality plays that showed the triumph of good over evil and I think that's important for young people to see on screen these days because it will inspire them to live their lives that way.. 2012 The Inspirational Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "This was at Knott's Berry Farm when it was still a farm and we had been sort of following Tex around. Why did Roberta Shore quit the Virginian? No way. "After I moved here, they called me out of the blue from BYU Studios and asked me to do it. Hi Duane: A message from INSP: At INSP, we know how much our viewers love Westerns. (She auditioned as a Mouseketeer, but was turned down because she was taller than most of the cast at the time.) Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. It was kind of sad in one way and not sad in another way she sang the song. Author: famuse.co. He also hated working for television, rather than movies, so he quit. Where Is the Cast of 'The Virginian' Now? We Take a Look - Distractify Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns (2009) Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Lee J. Cobb was the first, and left during the fourth season, said Drury. Gary Clarke left because of problems with the producer among other things. Shore played against type as a nasty, snooty rich girl, and she also sang a couple of songs. The show was pulled after two seasons by Congress because they didn't like the idea that kids were seeing the outlaw Billy the Kid as a hero. "I moved from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City and never wanted to come back," the devout Mormon explained in a 2016 interview. The awakening broke my heart seeing Roberta getting married and leaving the show. I started watching on Encore Westerns and watched every episode two times in a row. Roberta Shore played Judge Garth's daughter Betsy in the first four seasons of The Virginian. "Oh, it was very controversial. I dont think that ever happened. My first time to see it also last night. Surely they werent going to actually get married and live happily ever after. Gary Clarke as Steve Hill. There was also Little Joes marriage on Bonanza (originally written for Dan Blocker who tragically died before filming began) that ended in his bride being murdered. When Betsy Garth (Roberta Shore) married former minister David Henderson (Glenn Corbett), declared I dont need Shiloh anymore and left for her new home in Pennsylvania as a preachers wife a vital character in The Virginian departed. I have been watching reruns and sometime within the past month I heard Tramps call the Virginian by name. We take a look at where the cast of stars of The Virginian is now. Thank you, Westerns rule! played by Linda Blair. ", As a singer, she made many recordings with, Once toured Australia with the Mouseketeers, A one-time talented yodeler, her yodel appears on the Disney soundtrack Today was the first time to see The Awakening. In the 1965 episode "The Awakening," Judge Garth's only daughter weds former minister David Henderson and moves to Pennsylvania to start a new life with her husband. Thank you for airing it. The Trampas episodes on MFS were a big disappointment for me. I interviewed Roberta Shore and executive producer Frank Price about her leaving the show. However, he was one of the biggest stars in The Virginian cast after the show ended. He did a few shows after The Virginian, such as Bonanza and Hondo, and his most recent role was in the 1987 film, The Wild Pair. A villain in the original book and 1929 movie, the writers transformed him into a high-spirited and often comedic character in the series. Wow, Im sorry to find that out! And I was in 'A Summer Place,' which people still remember.". I have only started watching The Virginian this past year. Shilo Ranch in Hobart offers an hour-long trail ride as standard. All Rights Reserved. But after three seasons of co-starring on The Virginian one of televisions highest-rated Westerns she quit, breaking a seven-year contract. Memphis Film Festival organizer Ray Nielsen has kindly given me permission to post his photographs from the recent Virginian reunion in Memphis, Tennessee. Where is Roberta Shore today? Net Worth. Is she dead or alive? Roberta Shore's age is 80. Shore is also one of the people you can blame if the song "It's a Small World" gets stuck in your head. They were right but it was on her terms, not theirs. The storyline mirrored actress Roberta Shore's own decision to break her seven-year contract with the showin order to focus on her real-life marriage. But if you really want to turn back the clock, go online and look up Shore on YouTube, where she can be found at age 15, singing in clips from old TV shows. Sheri, thanks for the information about Season 2, Episode 7, where Betsy sang the song Hang Poor Billy. The long-running Western series, The Virginian, came on air around 1962 to 1971. Why Didn't The Virginian Have A Name? - On Secret Hunt 74 min.). California. Rating: 4 (1473 reviews) Highest rating: 5. I was expecting her boyfriend to have to go back east or to become a traveling union spokesman for Wyoming miners. They just discarded eight seasons of character building and started from scratch. PGreen, I love your network, and I really appreciate your desire to provide the programs that you do provide. After watching an episode of season 5, I was lost , wanting to know why those three major stars left the show. I didnt watch this show much as a youth; just in recent years. Offers may be subject to change without notice. 'The Virginian' Cast: Which Actors Are Still Alive? - MSN Anyone else have an idea? Your email address will not be published. I dont know why I want to see Betsy sing that song again because hangings are part of western movies or TV series I never liked. Doug was the breakout star of the series, and I loved Trampas, and though it is sad that he passed away, I enjoy watching because it is the only way to keep him alive. Who Can Benefit From Diaphragmatic Breathing? I have searched so much and cant find the answer. No, not Betsy leaving Shiloh!! "I did regret giving up music," she says. I remember them a little but I was young when they came on. He also fired the whole camera crew and hired a new crew for his episodes.. Cobb was replaced by veteran supporting film actor Charles Bickford. The Virginian was a popular Western TV show from the 1960s. James Drury used that to his advantage in creating a mysterious air surrounding the Shiloh ranch foreman. Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? We really are trying to provide the programs you want. I Love to hear Betsy sing, & Betsy n Randy. The Awakening (4:05) directed by Leon Benson, written by Robert Crean and broadcast October 17, 1965,was a turning point for The Virginian and marked the end of the classic early period of the show (1962-1965). While The Virginian, which was TVs first 90-minute Wild West show that aired from 1962 to 1971 on NBC, is no longer in its heyday, many of its cast members went on to do much more. We just didnt have a choice. Even Bette Davis starred in one episode. Diane Roter - Biography - IMDb Born and raised as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Shore cites her faith as the primary reason for her decision. He could cheer anybody up. Marriages of TV Western characters who continue to appear in the series usually end in tragedy as you mention. It was still good afterwards ..just not the samebut still good. And Tex was there with his band and I got up and sang with him and it was "Smoke That Cigarette"! That gave them the last 15 minutes or so of the ep to concentrate on the wedding, which was much more interesting. He was making a ton of money from the series, then just quit. We finished the show on a Friday night about midnight and it was a bitterly cold evening. https://thevirginiantv.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/golden-west-and-tomorrow-themes/, Thank you so very much! I was shocked and surprised that this wedding actually happened. 5. It was disappointing enough even though I knew ahead of time. Eventually, she decided to leave the show, and her character got married and moved away from Wyoming. Cobb. Aside from "The Virginian," Shore is perhaps best remembered as a bubbly, effervescent teen in the Disney stable, often playing a romantic rival for Annette Funicello. The lead actors were Ellen Burstyn, Max Van Sydow and Lee J. Episodes were 90-minutes, the writing brilliantly told appealing stories, and big movie stars would walk over broken glass to appear on the show, explained Drury. Roberta Shore would be replaced with a short one season run by Diane Roter. That song left me feeling very sad and strange for some reason. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled? Would anyone know what season and episode number and/or title? I cried at the wedding scene felt so bad for Judge Garth and Randy. They both serve in the Latter-day Saints, the Mormons church. [2], Aside from Disney, Shore had a featured role in the 1959 screen version of Blue Denim, duetting with Warren Berlinger, and an uncredited cameo appearance in A Summer Place as Sandra Dee's gossipy schoolmate Anne Talbert. Shore also put in TV guest appearances on "The Jack Benny Program," "The Bob Hope Show," "Playhouse 90," "Maverick," "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis," and was in multiple episodes of "The Donna Reed Show," "Father Knows Best," "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" and "The Bob Cummings Show," among others. Because The Virginian was created so long ago, its no surprise that a few of the cast members have passed on. Perfect timing for your request!! BTW.. Insp has also brought us most all of the Gunsmoke episodes and post series movies too. Cowboy Way Jubilee! Hugh OBrian and Colleen Dewhurst dominate scenes while the regular cast are reduced to background players. "I'm only five-three-and-a-half but I was too tall. How long was Roberta Shore on The Virginian? Its a wonderful feeling to know the show is still viable after all these years.. The Legendary Clark Sisters: Where Are They Now? We love the show. Drurys laconic character was always referred to as The Virginian; he had no name, unlike his horse, a white Appaloosa called Joe D. The Shiloh foreman may have sported a black hat, but he routinely did the right thing, rescuing folks and fighting rustlers and outlaws in the Wyoming Territory in the 1890s. He loved the show and told me he wished he had been on from the beginning. Roberta Shore has fond memories of 'The Virginian' set. He told me he left the show because his contract wasnt renewed after season 4. Pete Duel : A Biography (2007, 2009 Large Print edition; Kindle edition) The 1929 western and Cooper's first talkie film was based on the 1902 novel by Owen Wister. The man who.married her was blessed. BUT NO !!! Ive heard that song many hundreds of times thinking that on the final chorus they were singing the boys are back in town, Jim. In fact, it was the boys are back in town again. I would bet the ranch that if you go back and review those episodes and constantly played back what Trampas and Judge Garth actually said, you will hear them say something that rhymes with Jim that made more sense to the dialogue. People think they hear things they really didnt. After her marriage, Shore and her husband moved to Utah, where she has lived ever since. 'Smoke That Cigarette'! I continue to watch the first 8 seasons, season 9, not so much. It kinda creeped me out as a kid, but now I am watching al the episodes on DVR and I love it. "And you know what I sang?" Roberta Shore is a former American actress and singer, whose main claim to fame was her work in the popular American Western television series, "The Virginian," which aired on NBC. If this is a repeat comment I apologize. Some of the "teary" moments for me were Randy and Betsy's last ride together when Randy gave her a wood carving he had made of She continued taking riding lessons throughout her work on The Virginian. I enjoyed the episode but felt bad for Judge Garth and Randy at the end! I was bummed when Betsy left because as a little girl, I always daydreamed about being surrounded by all of the handsome cowboys as Betsy was! I am hoping that I will be able to intend to try and go to Audie Murphy, Ok. next May to meet and greet the stars of The Virginian, including but now limited to , James Drury. On the phone now, she's every bit as cheerful and chipper as she was all those years ago and she doesn't hesitate to throw out that she just turned 67! When Betsy Garth (Roberta Shore) married former minister David Henderson (Glenn Corbett), declared "I don't need Shiloh anymore" and left for her new home in Pennsylvania . After Charles passed on, we got John McIntire and Jeanette Nolan to run the ranch, who were actually husband and wife and often worked together. Ninety years ago, Paramount released The Virginian starring Gary Cooper. Chris Hicks: Say goodbye to Hollywood: Roberta Shore gave up fame for exorcist had died a horrible death, on wikipedia!!). This is a wonderful show. Shores departure was a major loss for the show and one-half of a double body blow in the unsuccessfulSeason 4when Lee J. Cobb also departed. A History of Televisions The Virginian 1962-1971 (2006, 2009 Softcover edition) https://thevirginiantv.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/golden-west-and-tomorrow-themes/, A History of Televisions The Virginian BookReviews, TV Party : "The Virginian-Men From Shiloh" article by Paul Green, A History of Television's The Virginian 1962-1971, Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns (Second Edition), Jeffrey Hunter: The Film, Television, Radio and Stage Appearances, Roy Huggins: Creator of Maverick. The Virginian Weblog - by Paul Green "I can't imagine living anywhere else. The first season does include some excellent episodes and is also of interest for demonstrating the early and convoluted evolution of The Virginian television series. Roberta was famous for being the only female lead character on the show. Does anyone know what the song is called that Randy is singing in the bunkhouse while Betsy looks out her bedroom window? Roberta Shore, like her character, Betsy, really did leave the show to get married and settle down. You may be thinking of the episode The Handy Man when Trampas yelled out Jim from the bunkhouse porch. Which episode did trampas call the virginian Jim i am a true fan of old westerns. Post date: 27 yesterday. Betsy's Exit in Season 4 of 'The Virginian' Was Art Imitating Life, Does Albert Die in 'Little House on the Prairie'? Middle Row: Peter Ford, Dennis Holmes, Johnny Washbrook, Don Quine, Randy Boone, Gary Clarke, and Jimmy Baird. Perhaps someone can help me out. "Felicity's Spring" was James Drury's favorite Virginian episode, but he had an icy relationship with the guest. I dont remember if it was suppose to be a sad song or a funny song. When Betsy Garth (Roberta Shore) married former minister David Henderson (Glenn Corbett), declared I dont need Shiloh anymore and left for her new home in Pennsylvania as a preachers wife a vital character in The Virginian departed. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled? This is a common misunderstanding, Sheri. Why did Roberta Shore quit the Virginian? Did The Virginian ever get married on the show? Yes the same John Williams famous for Star Wars and Harry Potter music. These days, Shore spends a lot of time at Western film festivals around the country, participating in roundtable interviews with surviving cast members of "The Virginian," and meeting and signing autographs for fans. For several years, and hopefully for many more years, the cast , including James Drury have been attending the Cowboy Way May Fest-celebrating everything cowboy. Randy handing her his gift and Betsy listening to his singing in the bunkhouse from her bedroom window was memorable. "I just love Utah," she says now. The iconic Shiloh Ranch set was built in 1962, specifically for "The Virginian" TV series. On Saturday, February 27th, Drury, Clarke, Shore, and Boone will come together for a special three hour event that will include a meet and greet reception, a Q&A session, clips from the series . Shore, a dedicated Mormon,was written out the show at her own request to concentrate on her own real-life marriage. I love the show. We just watch the one where the Virginia comes to Shiloh!!! Thanks for this informative article. How big was the Shiloh Ranch? May 2, 3, 4, & 5, 2019! Hey Paul, maybe you can clear up some confusion for me. I guess I took Betsy for granted, because once Mrs. Ill have to google her and find out more about her career!! Because The Virginian is from long before the height of paparazzi and social media, the cast members are now able to live out their later years in peace. The nineteen year old discussed the situation with her actor father, Ted Roter, who did not object and advised her that the bathing scene could be done by using a few well placed flesh colored pieces of fabric. Im watching an episode right now! I watched The Awakening for the first time tonight. Cowboy Way Festival : Gene Autry Museum : May 5-7, 2017. True Leta. Roberta Shores fine acting played a major part of course. I wanted to go this year, but I will go next year. The cause was lung cancer, said Dennis Morga, a friend. Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, Ala., and has written features, columns, and interviews for over 750 magazines and newspapers. Cobb was replaced by veteran supporting film actor Charles Bickford. How did Shiloh Ranch change owners? - KnowledgeBurrow.com That includes 15 episodes of Funicello's miniseries, titled simply "Annette," which aired in 1958 on "The Mickey Mouse Club." At our age, members of the Class of '48 have an abundance of free timeand Joyce Van Denburgh Doty, MFA '50, made excellent use of it with a detailed response to the Share Your News form.. Perhaps invigorated by the oxygen she uses (though she never smoked, she presumes she inhaled others'), she goes beyond her own TV watching of both old black-and-white shows and modern news to . Off-screen Doug was quite like his character and you couldnt help but smile when he walked into a room because he was full of good humor and good spirits all the time, recalled Drury. Roberta Shore, now 76 years old, was one of the only main female leads on The Virginian, and she now leads a fascinating life.After The Virginian, she appeared in a few TV shows, but she then moved to Utah, where she was a radio DJ in Salt Lake City.While there, she met her now husband, Ron Frederickson, and works with him at the Church of . Shore, a dedicated Mormon,was written out the show at her own request to concentrate on her own real-life marriage. In the years 2011-2013 Diane has participated in each of the reunions for the surviving cast members of The Virginian. We never had the opportunity to try to get them to reconsider. "I also had a small role in 'Blue Denim,' another controversial film at the time. Happy continued viewing Anne!. I remember Trampas calling the Virginian Jim and I also remember Judge Garth calling him Jim but I dont recall the episodes! She got blisters from her new boots, and to make matters worse, was thrown from her horse. I totally agree with you about Trampas on Men From Shiloh! I have been watching The Virginian waiting to see this episode for over a year and I have never seen it. What Happened to Betsy on 'The Virginian'? The Actress - Distractify After NBC changed her first name to Diane, she remained in the role of Jennifer for twenty-five episodes (1965-1966). Why doesnt INSP show The Awakening again? I enjoyed working with him he brought all those years as a Hollywood star to the role, but he hated the show. What was James Drury's favorite episode of The Virginian? However, in 2018, he released the first book in the Ventures Nest thriller series, The Dream Virgin, and is supposedly now working on the second, Orphan of Fortune. She was queen of her senior prom in high school. Continue Learning about General Arts & Entertainment. Lucille: Although others have claimed to have heard this, I never have. I kept waiting for something to happen to mess up the wedding. Shores departure was a major loss for the show and one-half of a double body blow in the unsuccessfulSeason 4when Lee J. Cobb also departed. A good example is the 1976 hit, The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy. What happened to the young man who could make a six gun jump like a fist full of diamonds? Except for the crazy emphasis on the quick draw, this episode and Hannah were the only two I found that were true to the character of Trampas from the other seasons. I too, loved this episode, but was so shocked to find out this was Roberta Shores last episode!!! Im sure glad I had read recently that Betsy got married, and left the show. Did Roberta Shore ever make any guest appearances after this? Of course, the role of Regan MacNeil (the possessed girl) was Just a couple days ago watched The Awakening and Betsys wedding. He was making a ton of money from the series, then just quit. Roberta Shore - The Virginian Weblog Sadly the upcoming Cowboy Up For Vets event has been postponed this year. And now she's doing publicity for the show's first DVD release. Diane Roter's character, Jennifer, was closely tied to his, so her part got cut when he left. on Happy 55th Birthday to The Virginian.. I loved the Virginian as a young girl and I was so excited to see it available on Starz. I clearly recall my mother crying back in the 1960s when we first watched this episode. No way was he called Jim in multiple episodes. In all the eps Ive watched since then, Ive never been able to find such an instance. I agree Annette, I was for sure going to make it to the Cowboy Way Fest this year, just to get to shake the hand of the great James Drury, He recently passed away. After leaving The Virginian, she starred in a few shows before moving to Utah as a Disc Jockey. I have just recently started watching the INSP channel, which has become my favorite channel, and the Virginian is my new favorite show. When he was younger, he was actually most known for his role before The Virginian as Joe Chernak on Peyton Place, and didnt go on to do too much acting after playing Stacey Grainger.