UET SHIPPING, LLC in Louisiana | Company Info & Reviews [10]Jurassic, Missouri River, Rainbow Gas, and Rainbow Energy contend the district court abused its discretion in awarding Jundt $300,000 as an equitable remedy. By February 1999, there wasnt a single rig drilling new wells in the state, and oil development looked to be yet another cautionary tale in the familiar boom-and-bust history of the region no better than previous resource bonanzas at stemming the exodus of young people, or at halting the decline of prairie towns, or at doing much of anything to ameliorate the image of a place where the Legislature brooded over the icy connotations of the word North and twice entertained the idea of simply calling the state Dakota., Alex Brewer, 23, is a floor hand at Raven Drilling. Inside, sooty-faced roughnecks with pale circles around their eyes and dazed expressions wandered through the aisles with armloads of beef jerky and 20-ounce cans of malt liquor. And then suddenly there were oil wells. [24]In granting the defendants' motion for summary judgment with regard to the Montana Heartland issue, the trial court said: The defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment Re: Montana Heartland is GRANTED to the extent the Court finds the WBI leases acquired by Montana Heartland were not a business opportunity that belonged to Jurassic, and thus the value of Jurassic does not include the value of the now developed WBI leases owned by Montana Heartland. North Dakota has had oil booms before but never one so big, never one that rivaled the land rush precipitated more than a century ago by the transcontinental railroads, never one that so radically changed the subtext of the Dakota frontier from the Bitter Past That Was to the Better Future That May Yet Be. It has now leveled off at around 200, as thousands of wells have been completed under deadline pressure to secure expiring mineral leases. The parties may file comments with the Court and Special Master by November 16, 2001 pursuant to Rule 53(f)(5). Later, they and others formed a number of other companies, including Rainbow Gas, Rainbow Energy, Montana Heartland, L.L.C. The memo Kopseng prepared dated February 10, 1997, (Exhibit 402), to begin this whole process specifically provided in the third full paragraph: The financial aspects of the corporation are that the silent partners are to put up the money and derive all writeoff's during the firm's conception and initial payout period so there will be a before and after payout scenario. Missouri River, Rainbow Gas, and Rainbow Energy invested money in Jurassic, and were issued a total of 10,000 membership units. An abandoned building off Highway 23 in the Williston Basin. Hoeft has been in Williston for four years and currently lives in his Chevrolet Suburban rents for a two-bedroom run $2,400 a month, and he is still paying off his mortgage back in Wisconsin, where hes from. Thats the line of death, Kopseng said. According to United's website, it "purchases, transports, stores and sells over 1 million barrels of crude oil per day.". He began working for The Forum in the 1980s while he was a student studying journalism at Minnesota State University Moorhead. Brandi had plans to attend beauty school. The Court intends through its equitable resolution to end all controversy among the parties so they can all get on with their own endeavors free and clear of any concern about anything anyone is doing with Jurassic. [19]The trial court found: All tax write-offs were by agreement of the parties to go to the money investors in the business venture they mutually agreed to pursue. The court explained in its memorandum opinion: Jundt as the owner of 4,925 units of Jurassic since March 9, 2000, (Exhibit 436), claims he should have received (and presumably should continue receiving) about one-third of the tax benefits claimed by the three corporate defendants Jundt refused to provide CPA Nitschke with his tax returns as he refused to provide them to the defendants Without Jundt's personal tax information the impact of this tax benefit cannot be accurately calculated nor can its impact on Jundt's taxes be determined. It feels as hard as a flagstone terrace. WebThe second best result is Loren R Kopseng age 40s in Bismarck, ND in the Wachter's neighborhood. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand for further proceedings. We simply want to ensure the most efficient and environmentally sound method of utilizing our precious coal and water resources for the benefit of the broadest number of people possible. [6]Jurassic's member control agreement, executed on January 26, 1998, provides in part: 3.08Additional Capital Contributions. Its all but impossible to find a place to stay in Williston, but on weekends many oil workers clear out, and I was lucky to get a motel room with a cracked plastic bathtub that had been cleverly patched with duct tape. A construction water tank at a new home development west of Williston. Johnson, 21, commutes nine hours from Pennock, Minn., where hes from, to North Dakota to work in construction. Something about seeing men eating alone in a diner is poignant to me., Owen Evens, 37, moved from Bend, Ore., 11 months ago, and works for Rocky Mountain Casing Crews.
Loren Kopseng - Bismarck, ND - Reputation & Contact Details Many thousands more will be spudded in the next two years as the boom moves from discovery to production and crews drill infill wells, complete pipelines, fortify roads, enlarge refineries and build natural-gas pumping stations and oil-loading train yards. An abuse of discretion by the trial court is never assumed; the burden is on the party seeking relief to affirmatively establish it. Gepner v. Fujicolor Processing, Inc., 2001 ND 207, 13, 637 N.W.2d 681. The debts of the company exceed the appraisal value determined by the Special Master as of November 27, 2001. [15]The defendants contend Jundt waived his right to challenge the special master's determination by failing to provide the special master any evidence he possessed that Jurassic had a higher value. They argue Jundt should not have been allowed to challenge the special master's findings at trial, because he did not file objections' to the report by November 27, 2001. However, on November 27, 2001, the first day of trial, the trial court noted the time for objecting was still running.. when the last bulldozer has pushed the last spoil pile into place, and the last patch of barren earth has been seeded to grass or grain, let those who follow and repopulate the land be able to say, our grandparents did their job well. WebLoren was born on 06.25.47. Loren Kopseng, Ryan Kopseng. Apostles of Bakken gold insist that whats different this time is that this time is different, the history of frontier avarice notwithstanding. Loren Kopseng Bismarck, ND. Id rather stay in a small town., Kevin Tschetter, 34, hauls water to and from active wells for KNS Enterprises. The store was selling showers: a half-hour of hot water for 10 bucks; $15 for a couple. Court Records.
Loren Kopseng OfficialUSA.com Records Landowners have land rights but dont always have rights to whats underneath it, the minerals. WebTop Result for Ryan Kopseng in Bismarck, ND 1 The best result we found for your search is Loren R Kopseng age 40s in Bismarck, ND in the Wachter's neighborhood. Kopseng 65, a deer hunter, a Bud Light drinker, a profane churchgoer with four kids and two ex-wives refers to himself as a 'petro-preneur.'". It states, in part: Michael Schmitz, a certified public accountant called as a witness by the defendants, testified that loss to Mr. Jundt [would] be a passive loss, which is suspended until he can use it, and there is [n]o limitation on a carry-over. He testified on cross-examination that Jundt was entitled to tax write-offs: Q.Mr. Schmitz, if Mr. Jundt was entitled to his membership interest on February 1, 1999, wasn't he entitled to receive the portion of the tax write-off's attributable to that interest after that date? WebDawn Kopseng in Mandan, North Dakota. Meridian engineers went down more than 10,000 feet and then burrowed sideways into a bed of Upper Bakken shale that was only eight feet thick. North Dakotans are among the most prudent people in North America even amid record surpluses, the electorate last year rejected a proposal to abolish property taxes and their history tells them that after the tumult of a boom, the landscape, in the words of former Gov. Within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, the President will cause to be delivered to each person who was a Member at any time during such fiscal year a Form K-1 and such other information, if any, with respect to the Company as may be necessary for the preparation of such Member's federal or state income tax (or information) returns, including a statement showing each Member's share of income, gain, or loss and credits for such fiscal year for federal or state income tax purposes. We do not plan to be selfish and say, North Dakota will not share its energy resources. . Mike McFeely is a columnist for The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead. The trial court awarded Jundt $300,000 for his membership units in Jurassic. As long as prices stay above $60 a barrel or so, oil will be a mainstay of the North Dakota economy for a generation or more. But its also geology, chemistry, business. Significant amounts of Bakken oil were produced from conventional vertical wells beginning in 1961, but for many years the formation was considered problematic: you had to be lucky or skillful enough to find an area of the shale that was naturally fractured. The ratio of men to women is about 5 to 1.
Bismarck Kopseng took pictures hed done all the aerial photography for U.E.C.s annual report. Loren Kopseng. 5. A party opposing summary judgment must present evidence raising an issue of material fact. He struggled for five years, learning expensive lessons," the Times reported. He pulled on a green Fighting Sioux sweatshirt and climbed into the cockpit of his Aviat Husky, a maroon-and-yellow single-engine plane with two seats, one behind the other. Kopseng told the Times he turned things around in the mid-1980s after he met Mandan businessman Don Russell. If United Energy's purchase of Coal Creek Station is finalized and announced in a couple of weeks, North Dakota leaders will undoubtedly point to the state as a pioneer that is working toward a way to keep its coal industry relevant in the face of pressure from progressive politicians and climate-change activists. On Friday and Saturday nights, it gets so crowded that they open up a lower floor. Contact us. 2. Its the center of the culture, in a lot of ways.. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue reading local news. Loren currently resides at 2750 Wilderness Cove Rd, Bismarck, ND. The managing governors of Jurassic that were representing the corporate owners of Jurassic membership interest units and owned Montana Heartland knew Jurassic was negotiating to acquire WBI properties before Jundt left Jurassic, and, therefore, knew of the opportunity. If an oil company wants to put a well site on your land to search for minerals, its hard to deny them. And he says that the kind of development the boom era has brought is taking away the natural beauty of the land..