Wheeler, along with local historian Dick Gould and Elaine Brown (former history officer of Gympie Regional Council[7]) have dismissed this claim. Michael had no knowledge of this). In doing so he is said to have destroyed the remaining two columns and dumped them in a mineshaft. Greg Jefferys points out that it would have made a good fort given its location,12 but there is no evidence for this, and it does not feel like one. Im reading every article. Yesterday, a Kadaicha or feather-foot shaman named Trevor took me first to the mysterious and controversial Gympie pyramid site, and later in the deep bush to spend the night on my own, where the Yowie, or Bungalong as they are called by the local Kabi Kabi tribe, came to meet me. When the pyramid was first discovered the summit is believed to have had thirteen pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow center standing on the summit, and a stone gateway standing on the lower slopes of the pyramid, and other standing stones inscribed with symbols.
IS THERE A GYMPIE PYRAMID IN AUSTRALIA? - YouTube Thanks for your interest, your encouraging comment, donation and invitation. The pyramid became a source of much speculation and interest as unusual phenomena were reportedly seen or experienced on it, and unusual artifacts found nearby suggesting contact with earlier civilizations and was given publicity by writer Rex Gilroy. [7], a stellar origin story concerning the seven sisters, "Surface Hill Uniting Church (entry 601529)", "Police, roads officials remove 'trespassers' from Gympie Bypass", "Cultural Heritage Survey of Rocky Ridge,Gympie", "Aboriginal Site (Little Rocky Creek Grinding Grooves)", "Bruce HighwayCooroy to Curra Section D: Woondum to Curra", "Two large earthquakes in southeast Queensland in the 1860s- Fact or Fiction? [7][3] In 1884 Cauper wrote an article in the Gympie Times demonstrating his extensive knowledge of vine growing and grafting. A lecturer in archaeology at the University of Queensland, Dr. Pranganell, said in an interview with the editor of the Gympie Times on 9 September 2006: The University has no intention of trying to test the myth as any digging on the site (of the Gympie Pyramid) would just give credibility to something that was impossible.30. So far three iron bars have been found on the pyramid, and at least one of these fits exactly into the central piercing of the flat diamond shaped stones. Freemasons figured prominently in the American Revolution and the birth of the American Republic.
Gympie Pyramid - Fake Archaeology I was in Whistler last summer and might very well go through there again. People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being 'stopped' by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. The purpose of the pyramid is not known. The head has healing properties.
Gympie Pyramid - 63 Gympie Connection Rd, Victory Heights QLD 4570 Work with a bobcat in 2007 revealed how very poor the soils in the terraces were.9, The aborigines did not build the pyramid, and are not known too have constructed stone terraces anywhere in Australia, or to have shaped stones. She gave her name as Nitarla, and said she was one of three such guardians (this name was also given to Mick Dale by another source as the name of the guardian. Please remove all gubbi / gabi references to us as we are having a hard enough time trying to save this Sacred Seven Sister Healing Site without the misleading information. Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. [6], A group of Kabi Kabi (also known as Gubbi Gubbi) people claim this specific area was an ancient sacred site important for their dreaming, and connected with a stellar origin story concerning the seven sisters, or Pleiades,[1] although this claim is disputed by the traditional owners of the area according to local historian Elaine Brown. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. These include among other things (refer to illustrations on page 50): a carved, yellow stone head suggesting South American influence; an ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi; a Grecian urn; an ancient Chinese bronze teapot, and an apparent stone statue of an ape-like figure, known as 'The Gympie Ape'. Kabi . I know more about this site than any others How do I know? Thank you Cindy, truly appreciated. Other pyramids are believed to have been seen in New South Wales. There are also theories that the construction was the work of extraterrestrials, without much evidence to support it. Mick Dale (PC) and Jefferys 2007, page 2. This is mainly due to it having that name. In addition, "a statue (the 'Iron Man' or 'Gympie Ape') of non-Aboriginal manufacture [had been] found nearby, and some crude inscriptions on a stone block dug up in the area". This is a picture I found of what the pyramid is thought to have originally looked like. The area was taken over as an army base, and the story relates that the pyramid was covered with earth and used for target practice. (Tin Can Bay has nothing to do with tin cans. Work with a bobcat in 2007 revealed how very poor the soils in the terraces were. Wheeler reported that the archaeologist also "described how investigation of the stone wall and Gympie Ape statue by a colleague in the Archeology Branch of the Queensland Department of Community Services had produced no support at all for the claimed existence of pyramids in the Gympie area". Thank you for these clarifications Miraji. Sasquatch. We still have photos of indigenious paintings and statue carvings; sketches of ancient constructions on the GP site that were made back in the 1850-1870 period; and archaeological reports. The battle for the "Gympie Pyramid" continues with an occupation camp, known to the protestors as Djaki Kundu, being erected at Rocky Ridge. The name is believed to be a corruption of tuncumba, the aboriginal name for dugong, possibly the indigenous name of the bay.) According to aboriginal legend, lakes or seas used to extend from the coast almost to the base of the pyramid, which is apparently supported by geological evidence. It is not a pyramid in the Egyptian or South American sense. Gympie Pyramid in Australia, Lakes in New Zealand,More .
An Egyptian Pyramid in Australia? Archaeologists claim massive Did Ancient Oshoro Stone Circle Serve As A Portal To The Spirit World? [7] It is currently on display at the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum. One of these was blond and wore a heavy gold necklace. Gold mining might be a clue, but the site might have been occupied by successive cultures and we might never know the whole story since it has been suppressed, hidden and officially debunked. Here is the link: https://sovereignoriginal.wixsite.com/deebingcreek/post/deebing-creek-mission-and-sacred-grounds-a-history-of-sovereignty-and-colonialism, Pingback: Recent Yowie encounter reported in Queensland Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication. How Did A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Gem Seal Depicting God Apollo End Up In The City Of David? It includes the ruins of six or seven low terraces associated with early settlers. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. Other smelting related objects were found on the site, suggesting that smelting was done on site. The area was taken over as an army base, and the story relates that the pyramid was covered with earth and used for target practice. There has been no major archaeological excavation of the Gympie Pyramid. The Gympie Pyramid as seen from the air with Google Earth. Another clue which is the most often cited is the walls of polygonal granite blocks that was built around an old school in Gympie, now a tennis court, and a Uniting church with the eloquent name of Surface Hill, although it is not really built on a hill. The Gympie Pyramid near the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia has long been a source of fascination for people from around the world as well as Australia, and the subject of a great many claims about its origin and true purpose. An archaeological survey was undertaken by Michael Morwood in 1967 (for some unknown reason this report is unobtainable). P. S. Youre always welcome here in Whistler, weve got a guest room, would be a great honor to have you. Best blessings dear friend. You dont have to go far to find academic references to other ancient First Nation stone constructions all over the continent and islands of the Great South Land. A fabulous day we had at Gympie and our other adventures to be sure. From all I could find online, there is hardly anything about what was found in Gympie nor about the Dhamurian society. Its interior remains unknown and has been a source of speculation, and there are believed to be three or four entrances, some blocked, leading into it. These include among other things (refer to illustrations on page 50): a carved, yellow stone head suggesting South American influence; an ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi; a Grecian urn; an ancient Chinese bronze teapot, and an apparent stone statue of an ape-like figure, known as The Gympie Ape. Apart from these inconvenient ailments, plus ticks and the mozzies that are really not so bad, Im still fully functional and keep working full time to gather and share knowledge. There is no trace of old vine stems, or roots or trellises, such as one would associate with former vine cultivation, and there is no equipment for wine making in the way of vats, etc. These have slots in the centre, which may have been for offerings and iron bars have been found on the site that fit the slots.2. The name is believed to be a corruption of tuncumba, the aboriginal name for dugong, possibly the indigenous name of the bay.) This was destroyed when the pyramid was bombarded by banana shaped aircraft, possibly from Atlantis. There is no trace of old vine stems, or roots or trellises, such as one would associate with former vine cultivation, and there is no equipment for wine making in the way of vats, etc. According to Gilroy, the terraced hill was the remains of a pyramid, based on the fact that a stone wall nearby was of unusual construction, there had been local legends and taboos about entering the area, and that there was cactus of South or Central American origin growing nearby.