Mr. Holt has been helping 4 cyl cars go faster since I first met him in the mid 70s. All the weights on the nose, all the pulling happens at the nose, and all the steering happens at the nose. cars stripped of their interiors with a cage. You might also have to grind a little off the steering knuckle to allow it to tilt more towards the strut. Kit includes 1 hub and 1 bearing. Must be securely mounted using two, .125-inch thick, solid steel straps, two inches wide, completely around cell. As someone who spent 20 years driving as "right wheel drive" purist, having recently started driving/racing a fwd car, I will admit that I was wrong and completely agree with the opening of the article. The setup may look like this: LF = 350; RF = 325; LR = 185; RR = 150 (double the rear springs for the swing arm car); Panhard bar at 12 inches left. I suppose they gladly gave written permission.. LOL, I suppose they glady gave written permission.. LOL. I just started roadracing a FWD 1993 Mazda MX6/Ford Probe with a 2.5 L V6and I'm taking all this advise to heart. The Racing Line Goes Over Differences Between RWD, FWD, and AWD So based on that, your front struts are DIRECTLY tied to how far over the body rolls. This modification was OK'd a few years ago and hasn't been disallowed as of yet. The Stock Neon hub may be too weak and may fail under racing conditions! Reduce body roll and attack corners with condence on the street and track. What I'm curious about is what front spring rates are recommended. Photography Credit: Rupert Berrington. You should look to spend a small amount of money on a car because you will be removing everything out of it. Cleetus McFarland on YouTube has amassed over 3 million subscribers on his channel known for wild racing antics, hosting racing events like the Freedom 500 at his Freedom Factory track complex in Florida, as well as videos showing insane high-performance engine builds.. To be able to control the car, we need much stiffer springs and a more balanced setup front to rear. Running camber in that range will allow the tire to lay completely flat in the corner, giving it the biggest contact patch and the maximum amount of grip. You should run a fuel cell, I know some tracks say you don't need one but it's not really that costly and will help you out in the long run. The primary goal of the diff in a front-wheel drive application is to apply power efficiently to both wheels, without excessive wheel spin from the less loaded, inside front wheel. No transmission coolers in driver compartment. We will be back in action on 5/6/23 at Wilmot Raceway for the series and track season opener!! to all members of the Texas Speedzone, you guys are very smart. A commonly used technique drivers use to induce the car into getting entry rotation is trail-braking: decreasing, or trailing off, brake pressure as the car approaches the apex of the corner. . Shims between the spindle and axle at any of the bolt locations will tilt or turn the spindle in relation to the axle. No torque dividing final drive. Is it fastest? This story was born from a pair of conversation we had with Dirt Late Model veteran Dale McDowell and Modified racer Jason Hughes about one of the trickiest situations any dirt racer will run into: How to drive a wet, rutted race track. If you're in a Crate car, there's not a whole lot that you can do. This style of driving has a couple of benefits. So if youre trying to figure out how to whip your GTI, ST, Si, Type-R or anything else meant to be driven thats got its drive wheels up front, try to digest some of ACPs advice and put it into practice. 11. We will examine some physical rules that deal with chassis dynamics so we can arrange the setup to meet the conditions. 5. Roll bar padding required in driver compartment (Fire retardant recommended). You can overdrive it a little bit to compensate. Dirt track cars run the gambit from stock car-style Late Models to hybridized Modifieds to open-wheel Karts, midgets, dwarfs, winged and non-winged Sprint cars. Another option is to take some stagger out just as a quick adjustment. Some guys like to lower the left-side rods, but others hate that. When the computerized scale is displaying cross weight, it should show something like 45-48 percent. Toe in is more stable under braking but that is because it stops the rear from moving around. From spartan speeway web site.POSTED BY. Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 09:54 am: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------. Noticed they had a FWD class for 4 cyl. But if you have tried getting out of the throttle early and it still isn't helping, you can get out way early and then get back on the gas as you go through the corner. ): The V.I.N. Thatll improve the handling characteristics of any car, but especially for front-wheel drive. Pure Stock, Information Contributed by : Torg Motorsports, ---------------------------------------------------------------------. Im going to slant my advice more toward stock, production front-wheel drive cars than specialized, highly modified front-wheel drive race cars (last-gen WC, WTCC, BTCC, etc.). 2. This is what happens when you see the left rear tire coming off the ground in the corners. But really, your main tool is the throttle. In fact, we set them up to have less. No performance additives. Or, the softer the front sway bar needs to be. No accumulators/accusumps. 18. Dirt track FWD racing 1 2 dankspeed New Reader 9/5/10 8:38 a.m. My brother was in town so we took a trip out to some dirt track oval in Indiana with my dad. I just assumed you weren't listening while I was ranting and raving about suspension theory. You should use four to six bolts to hold the seat down. ( TIRES AND WHEELS: OEM DOT 13, 14, 15 or 16-inch passenger tires only. must remain in the OEM location. Thanks, Your Info will help many new racers. On stock front-wheel drive cars without camber plates, a couple of degrees of negative camber is the most you can hope to get within the stock shock mount. 1 week learning the secrets of camel racing (2WD & 4WD) Also, the cab drivers in Cairo would make great race car drivers. This is great for smoky burnouts but not so great for getting around a track quickly. The Total Novice's Guide to Dirt Track Racing - AxleAddict Given these constraints, and if you were asked to build the IDeal Honda,,. In addition, the increased tire pressure in the rear changes the shape of the tire, making it rounder, which makes it ride more on the center of the tread, decreasing the contact patch and decreasing grip. This is alot of information all at one time. When you've got that much power on tap it is easy to use the gas pedal to get the car to turn, but that's not as smooth. Manual transmission vehicles only. The previous link FOr NEON Mopar perfomance parts no longer list the still available 1995 to 1999 NEON MOPAR performance parts here is an old catalog with all the part numbers, springs, PCM's, etc,, C. Coil Springs ( they are only about $55 s pair ! If you want to leave the dash and shifter that's OK. Also remove all glass, the windshield is optional. If the arrows going straight and to the left, toward the edge of the circle, thats a turning left force, thats a g-force to the left. We can now begin to soften the setup somewhat and change the RF spring to an 800-pound (rated) spring or remove the RF full spring rubber and replace it with a half rubber. The racing line is the route a racing driver follows to take corners in the fastest possible way. Now that youve done the impossible and gotten a front-wheel drive race car handling well, youre free to take on easier assignmentslike solving the European debt crisis or resurrecting Lindsay Lohans acting career. There is only one way to stop a severe pushy or loose car, and that is to lift off the throttle. Glad we here in Michigan helped out a little, How well do the Neons run against Hondas at your track? If you can't fit it in there, then it should still stay on the left side as much as possible. Sometimes you can spin the tires and make it worse, and then sometimes you can spin them and that friction opens it back up. And similarly, the Ferrari FF has a whole different drive system with a crazy step-off clutch off the front. I think there are a lot of drivers who say they dont like racing front-wheel drive cars, but I think thats mainly because they have never driven a properly set up one. ROLL CAGE: Six-point roll cage required. Those conversations were so enlightening that we decided to keep going. Raise the rear ride height another inch. This is the pressure you are targeting for each wheel when the racing car is out on track. HS: When the track turns black, the surface has become hard with very little loose material. Dirt track FWD racing| Grassroots Motorsports forum Details. Nobody ever looks at the ENTIRE CAR. Now, to make an enthusiasts competition vehicle more able to maintain your desired competition alignment settings you need to solve that with performance suspension bushings. Once the track has hardened, it will quickly continue to change toward black and then to slick. SUSPENSION AND STEERING: All components and mounts must be unaltered, OEM and match year, make and model of car used. OEM starter only, must be in OEM location. FWD cars almost always lift the inside rear tire. LM: It is time to go a little more radical in the setup. Snell-rated SA95, SA2000 or SA2005 helmet required. Tire selection should include a little more siping to help dissipate heat, as the tires will begin to spin slightly coming off the corners. An "easy-up shock" is a common term used to describe a shock with stiff compression and soft rebound. ?? A rusted car will take a lot of repair before being able to weld in a roll cage. Probably (because most FWD stuff sucks to begin with). But Perhaps we are compairing apples to pears here, and that might explain the different chassis setups. May use solid engine mounts or safety chains. The competition here is so good you really have to be smooth and on top of your game to keep those lap times down consistently. CT: How do you set up a car for a track you've never been to before? The air pressure must come down some, but do not run soft on air at this point. Installing a differential helps keep that inside-front tire planted, while a touch of rear toe allows the driver to play fast and loose with the cars rear. Driver-side window net required, minimum 16x20 ribbon or mesh style, and must be mounted so latch is at top front of window. Secondly, because were having to use the throttle to counteract the rotation of the car, we will be going to throttle long before corner apex, increasing the amount of time the car is accelerating. That used to be the way to drive the cars, but as advanced as the setups are these days you've got to be smooth and drive the car around the track. Bending the tube will result in a better fit, but buying a kit is sometimes cheaper. 8 tips on how to win dirt-track racing with almost any car 3. (A) $1500 cash claim or exchange on complete car. This can vary a little depending on the car and the tires being used, plus the driver preferences. All four tires and wheels must be the same series, size and offset. Rear wheels must track straight ahead and be in alignment with front wheels. Renegades, Pro 4, Thunder Bombers, Front Wheel Drive, Blue Ridge Outlaw Late Models, Next Generation Kids Series, Pure Stock V8. and .095 inch wall thickness. All engine components must be OEM unaltered for year, make and model of car used. tricknologyFebruary 28, 2007 in Grease Monkey Hangout, Here is some of speed secret stuff for FWD 4 cylinder cars,,,these guys run in Lansing Michigan and are FAST with Stock 4 cyl. If you have a high-quality performance tire, you make that circle bigger. 10. The LF tire will be doing less work with these changes but should still be touching the ground, and the Ackermann will help it provide turning power. Front Wheel Drive, dynamics and tuning using ChassisSim Disconnect the front and stiffen the crap out of the rear has always been the mantra for front-wheel drive set up, and for good reason: It workskinda. With the poor weather conditions forecasted for Saturday 4/29/23 Plymouth Dirt Track has decided that it is in their best interested along with ours to cancel the event scheduled for Saturday 4/29/23. CT: What can you do if you have a rear tire that glazes over after a caution? The tires can be changed to more of a street performance tread with slightly lower pressures. That being said, if your car is suffering from terminal understeer, getting rid of the front bar will definitely help. Keep the weight low and to the left, and use tires with wide grooving to release the wet mud easily. Buy a good air pressure gauge, tire pressure is the biggest adjustment you will be making. General Discussion How To Make Them Go FAST! What Is Front-Wheel Drive? GAUGES/ELECTRONICS: 12 volt ignition system only. This catalog also lists the Dodge Factory Racing PCM's for the Neon that have a better Fuel and Spark curve for more HP,,,and have a higher rev limit. Gasoline only, maximum 93 octane. 4. Suddenly, youre asking the front tires to not only take the lateral loads but to pull you forward. Some how I believe instead of having it split to apply most pressure to your front brakes and the rest to the rear. BRAKES: Must be steel, unaltered, OEM operative, four wheel disc or drum brakes, and match year, make and model of car used. You can run a lot of toe in a fwd and a quarter inch there might help as well. Push the knife forward from the tail of it, and you can move the nose back and forth, and its quite a balanced scenario. - oh boy - the 2007 TPS/ Thunder year is going to be exciting!!! Under these conditions, teams using softer RR springs with Panhard bars high on the left side and low on the right side and with plenty of rear steer will find trouble. Must be unaltered OEM-appearing body. This track condition means the tires are getting a lot of grip and the surface tends to have ruts that grab the car hard. Front end has big bearings, New gauges, Quick change rear, 4 new shocks and . The goal with the big rear bar is to transfer the energy from the loaded outside rear tire to the unloaded inside front, attempting to keep it planted and hopefully giving it more grip both laterally and for forward acceleration. The same goes for your racecar. Time is a factor and we want to make positive changes that can be accomplished in a short period of time. Maybe 2-4 degrees of negative camber for the RR. All-wheel drive is an increasingly common feature on cars today, from grocery-fetching Subaru. We might want to anticipate the dry and slicker conditions coming now for lack of time later. Because youre asking them to take that side load, and you add the accelerative force.. In fact, I just spent about 400 miles on the track with the Fiesta ST, GTI, and Type-R, Golf R, WRX STI, Civic Si, and all of those street cars, except for the Type-R, would go to limp mode. Some are fairly simple tweaks suited to cars that only see a few track days a year. And unfortunately, that's going to slow you down. Be sure to check your toe often and learn to adjust it. Home | Fwdcircletrackracing There is one exception: Nissan GT-Rs are a little different, theyre more like RWD, because they have a ridiculous transfer case, heavy, complicated. I want to say I've heard that before, but for some reason the way you said it just clicked with me. Generally speaking it will feel better. Or maybe you should just practice your trail-braking. Tire Grooving and Siping Tips - Speedway Motors Most conversations about front-wheel drive suspension engineering revolve around camber and shock adjustments, with little to no mention of caster. Softening the front springs will help the car turn, but to a lesser degree than making rear spring changes. for some back ground Info, with the setup Mr. Maurice Randall posted they won track championships and many features at a tracks that had about of these 30 cars every night, and the competition was close. Since Im going to be driving the new Honda Civic Type R in a few days, I asked for advice, and he basically took me through six principles: Comrie-Picard had a lot to say explaining what all that means, and Ive transcribed all the tips I was able to get out of him after I let ACP, as hes known, tell me about Car Saviors, the TV show hes trying to get traction with where he teams up with Hoonigans Britan Scotto to restore and reimagine weird old garbage cars and then drift the hell out of them. These Mopar Performance Coil Springs will add a new dimension to your cars handling and performance. Installing a differential helps keep that inside-front tire planted, while a touch of rear toe allows the driver to play fast and loose with the car's rear. And yes, you can make a FWD car oversteer all day long if you set it up right. If the rear is loose enough to corner well, it is generally too loose for best time in transitions. Gas tanks ahead of rear axle allowed but must install shield under it. In a front wheel drive car most of them are running 2deg out on the left front 7deg in on the right front 1.5 In on the right rear 0 on the left rear. Talk to the experts. drift build download. (If you are interested, you can learn more at Determining the best line is an essential skill to master for both track days and racing events. In fact, Rally Driving: The Basics, an article ACP wrote back when Mitsubishi still made viable racing cars, is still one of the most-referenced guides on how to hustle a FWD car Ive seen around the internet. Camber is the angle at which the top of the tire is tilted in or out. This transfer of weight to the front of the car should allow the rear to lose enough grip to have some rotation into the corner, thus allowing the driver to open the wheel much more at exit for better grip and acceleration. With the rare 1.22 gears, you can run a little faster, but not much.