"currency": { window.predictive_search_enabled = "false"; })(); } "main_button_height": "", Myths and Misconceptions about Therapy and the Transition Process. } ","widget_email_field_text":"Email","widget_verified_email_field_text":"Verified Email (private, can not be edited)","widget_email_placeholder_text":"Enter your email (private)","widget_email_field_error_text":"Please enter a valid email address. "; Also my endocrinologist informed me that you cant bleed out from a 23G needle stick and in fact we regularly draw blood from the carotid artery with 23G needles so try not to worry too much unless you have a bleeding disorder, then always consult with your doctor about the safety of self administering injections. Pretty standard for me, I have a pretty high pain tolerance and Im cool with needles so I can handle it fine, but the problem is that it isnt the actual injection site that hurts. TERMS OF SERVICE I usually have someone that can help me put it in my hip but I wanted to start getting it in my thigh since its easier access for me and eventually I want to do it myself. } cursor: pointer; }, Pain and soreness are completely normal after injections and are generally not cause for alarm. "newsletter_permission_enabled": false, i'm not sure if i pushed the We've also heard folks report that warming up your testosterone and icing your injection site can help reduce shot pain. 25% OFF EVERYTHING SITE-WIDE! MVR MVR } GBP Id still like to know if anyones had any kind of similar experience and appreciate anything on how to handle it @media(max-width: 800px) { Im pretty pissed off about it but i am going to fuck this up gaurenfucknteed. Alcohol can cause a stinging sensation when pushed into the skin. "countdown_timer_expiration": "-1", TANK TOPS NIO C$ Quick note here: if you experience anything beyond moderate pain, you shouldabsolutelycontact your doctor. Ive experiencing swelling, bruising, massive itchiness and soreness, and even feeling sick and feverish since my 3rd shot. What's more, the severity of my pain dropped from moderate to mild. KRW SAR . Testosterone side effects (more detail) "padding-top": "16px", ALL L }, } UYU $ "button": { It's so bad that they actually can't give themselves shots and have always had a partner do it. Choosing a place where there is just enough skin and not too much fatty tissue seems to be also beneficial. 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Perhaps you've found this article because one of these things just happened to you. Venmo }, FKP setTimeout(function(){ Testosterone injection is also used in women with breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic). 11 FTM Shot Tips: Overcoming Your Fear of Needles var script = document.createElement('script'); Going to 100mg/ml concentration improved the post injection pain, versus 200mg/ml where the pain was pronounced. UAH "padding-top": "16px", DKK kr. More recently, my shot pain has disappeared altogether. My boyfriend also has serious shot anxiety. SLL Le They usually present in the days or weeks following immunisation and are most often reported following vaccines given in infancy or childhood. GTQ Q As censorship is ever growing and with being threatened to be deplatformed, I want to stay connected with you. }.blog_meta span a { "buttonWithQuantity": true "preferredCountries": ["US","GB","AU","CA","FR","DE"], I do small T injections into the fat tissue. "main_text_style": "", After years of giving himself shots and experiencing periodic pain, he noticed that his shots hurt quite a bit less if hemade sure to drinkplenty of water the day before. LBP . "text_color": "#333333", }, XAF Fr when around abdomen and thighs I was having quite large and elongated lumps for a week at a time. QAR . }, "button_text_color": "#ffffff", You can find extra syringes online or request them from your healthcare provider. #shopify-section-text-columns-with-icons .text-columns-with-icons { Any time a needle passes through any medium, the needle will be slightly dulled. BLOG 'use strict'; window.predictive_search_show_price = "false"; Or it may start hours after the injection. BND $ Makes me feel nervous. Lump is formed at the site and swelling has increased. BINDER RECYCLING PROGRAM #1. Ive been looking around but havent been able to find much help for soothing actual muscle pain after the injection and its my first time getting it in my thigh, plus the fact that my last shot was 3 months ago so Im having a hard time figuring out if Im misremembering how painful it was last time, or if its because thats just how it is when you inject your thigh or if I just did something wrong. 0 GYD $ The next day I have been extremely sore on my leg muscle. DZD . 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Truthfully, I did not. color: #262626; color: #e8f759; sudden, severe weakness or numbness in the arm or leg. "product_field_label": "Select product", "hide_for_collections": "", ")),b=a>>16,c=a>>8&255,a&=255;return 140 BGN . My boyfriend also has serious shot anxiety. "padding-left": "26px", }, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue. YOUTH PACKER GIVEAWAY Always remember to rotate injection sites. }, Allowing the area to dry can prevent this from happening. Aug 01, 2022 Just be sure to wash the soap off completely and to let the area dry before administering your shot. Almost 100% of them asked if I aspirated before injecting. var script = document.createElement('script'); YER James, Along with doing .5ml sub Q injections just below the ribs at a 45 angle to the skin have resulted in me having sometimes no welts or swelling at all. 'https://' : 'http://') + 'back-in-stock.appikon.com/theme-settings/element-selector.js'; DISCOUNT AUTOMATICALY APPLIED AT CHECKOUT. "text_color": "#ffffff", RWF FRw "styles": { ":hover": { KZT } "product": { t.onreadystatechange=function(){4===t.readyState&&(Function(t.response)(),d&&d(t.response))}, BWP P Hey! UYU $ "background-color": "#111111" domain: 'ftm-supply.myshopify.com', line-height: 1.6em; Applying a cold compress for 5 to 10 minutes after your injection can limit swelling and redness. This means that about 4 days after giving yourself a shot, anyresulting pain should be gone. As an aside, if you are having trouble finding alcohol pads due to COVID-19, you can prep your shot site with soap and warm water. MDL L BOB Bs. width: 100%; "button_corner_radius": 5, Once I calmed down a bit and realized that I wasn't going to die, my second thought was that all the T had gushed out with the blood. AMD . } "input_border_color": "#000000", I just did my first self IM injection and holy fuck. This is essentially your body expressing its displeasure at being stuck by a sharp object. CHF CHF KYD $ } Has anyone else had this type of reaction after your Testosterone. TOPS "partials": {}, Personally, I recommend talking with your doctor and following the protocol they suggest. PKR All content found on transguysupply.com, including text, images, audio, or other formats are intended for informational purposes only. I say "idea" here because whether or not aspirating is necessary or even helpful is atopic of debate in the medical community. Read More .rb_blog-grid{ window.product_words_unavailable_variant = "Unavailable"; padding-top: 50px; What About Swelling? "styles": { "countdown_timer_enabled": false, ","widget_review_submitted_text":"Review Submitted! "img": false, "main_margin_left": "", "product": { ACCESSORIES With the threat of coronavirus, most folks are trying to eliminate unnecessary trips to the doctor's office. Either way, it's worth a shot (pun intended), and staying properly hydrated is important for so many other health reasons. window.selector_section_mode = true; "toggle": { Self-administering your testosterone shot can be an intimidating experience in the best of times. "color": "#4c4c4c", severe, sudden headache. "visible": true, "padding-bottom": "16px", } SGD $ if ((window.wcp_data.discounted_hash.discount_value || window.wcp_data.discounted_hash.shipping) I live in the boonies so I cant get a drs appointment to have help with this everytime(i had to go to the hospital triage to get them to show me the first time, and she put it in my arm anyway so no actual example). "button": "Add to cart" ", } I started using the Inject-Ease auto-injector in October of 2022 and it has absolutely changed my life. faintness. "fb_page_id" : "", Icing your skin will also shrink your blood vessels. The pain is fading slowly but surely, though, so Im leaning towards everything is fine and Im just overthinking it, then maybe next time just Ill just keep a bit of a more open mind about taking painkillers. Its better to let yourself bleed out of the skin than into it, just apply pressure afterward and dont worry too much. Injection reactions include redness, swelling, bruising, or a small amount of bleeding. if you unable to get the information, I recommend first try using antihistamines throughout a 2 week period like hayfever tablets and if this helps you know Its that. "fullPrice": { "background-color": "#0a0a0a", AFN setTimeout(d,0):e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d)},jdgm.loadCSS=function(d,t,o,s){ BINDERS Any time a needle passes through any medium, the needle will be slightly dulled. Ok my next problem is Anxiety. BAM AED . Please refresh the page and try again. So when something goes wrong - say you have more blood than usual, or you get a lump afterward - it can be difficult to keep calm. AZN MKD The speed at which the injection is administered. I tried z-tracking and happened to hit or go through a vein and I ended up bleeding under my skin and getting a big bruise. WST T "; Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with questions you may have regarding a medical condition. SWIM "quantityInput": { "email_tab_text": "Email", "quantityInput": { "font-size": "16px" This is a reaction to the needle or to the medicine that was injected. MDL L Much love to you all<3. (delt shoulder or bump injection)Watch This Next: \"Should You ASPIRATE When Injecting?\" https://youtu.be/k6Aep7msc8QJOIN this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoLNk-4LAYsbfsQwjFWG2gQ/joinGet our MERCHANDISE here:https://teespring.com/stores/trt-merchandise#trtandhormoneoptimization #trt *Disclaimer: This video and comments are meant purely informational! PKR "margin-left": "0px", jQuery('body').addClass('show-announcement-bar'); window.cart_url = "/cart"; "main_border_radius": "" pain, redness, or swelling in the arm or leg. }, 500); This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Understanding Post-Injection Inflammation . They are: Needle puncture: This is rare, but your body may react to the needle injury with inflammation and pain. Some pain and soreness arenormal after injecting your shot, but there are reactions to keep an eye out for. Apr 25, 2022 } else if ( location.hash == "#comments" ) { Cool compress and NSAID Or maybe you're reading this because you're new to self-administering. "footer_copy": "We respect your privacy and don't share your email with anybody. These crystals can irritate the soft tissues, including the synovial tissue that lines the joints. It even seems a bit hard, almost like I'm flexing my muscle. "padding-top": "16px", Check Out These Tactics to Help You Overcome Your Fear. However this time after injecting a little blood went into the tip of the syringe and now I have a node like lump (nearly 2in) for about 2 weeks. As someone below has stated , different manufacturers are using different oils and finding out if your allergic to the oil base used is a great first step. To quote the article attached, storefrontAccessToken: '9bb57cdb3b92febf0856349295f0c13c', Ive been on T for a little over a month now taking .3ml weekly subcutaneously. }, Much love to you all<3 Funnily enough tensing my thigh muscles seems to be mostly fine as Ive been able to do that part of my exercise routine pretty much normally the whole time. } pain, testosterone, injection Further information Testosterone uses and safety info Testosterone information for Healthcare Professionals (includes dosage details) Side effects of Testosterone (detailed) Similar questions Updated 30 July 2011 1 answer Updated 6 Dec 2012 2 answers Updated 22 July 2014 2 answers Updated 9 Feb 2015 1 answer Pain and soreness are completely normal after injections and are generally not cause for alarm. Withdraw the syringe and pull back about 1/4cc of air and then remove the needle. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); GIFT CARDS I say "idea" here because whether or not aspirating is necessary or even helpful is atopic of debate in the medical community. "caption": "NOTIFY WHEN AVAILABLE", }); AWG ":focus": { XOF Fr E. the questions above are good ones to ask. Hold the needle in place for 10 seconds before removing it. SGD $ Hopefully this info will alleviate your shot pain too and bring you some peace of mind. Liquid error (layout/theme line 299): Could not find asset snippets/flashify-common.liquid ." "font-size": "16px", The sharper the needle, the easier it will travel inside your body and the less pain you will feel. margin-right: 2%; MNT } Testosterone Effects: The ester will determine half life but feeling/seeing effects really depends on other hormones and enzymes interacting on the testosterone. }, Its the muscle pain that has been bothering me. For the first like day and a half I could barely put any weight on my leg at all, and bending or lifting it was just completely out of the question. NIO C$ ETB Br "cart": { It's also done wonders for my shot anxiety. You can expect your order to ship within 2-3 business days after purchase. Since using it, I've experienced zero shot pain. MMK K }, All other returns are issued in store credit only. :) I may be hitting the same general spot on my right every time. "newsletter_permission_text": "Signup for newsletter? The shorter needles that are used with sub-q made for a drastic reduction in pain frequency. }, Massage the injection spot. BGN . teach their patients to swap needles after drawing. "empty_email_phone_validation_message": "Please provide email or phone number. jdgm.loadJS(jdgm.CDN_HOST+"loader.js"))}))}(document); FREE SHIPPING ON U.S. ORDERS OVER $100 As far as I am aware, there have been no studies specifically assessing the need for aspiration prior to IM injections. 2 A small amount of pain or redness is expected with an intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous injection, and a warning to this effect is included . window.month_names = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; Crystallization: Cortisone can form crystals in the body. SHP Def let your doctor know if youre having reactions, theres other ways to take T! MOP P Along with doing .5ml sub Q injections just below the ribs at a 45 angle to the skin have resulted in me having sometimes no welts or swelling at all. var _SIConfig = _SIConfig || {}; window.search_words_page_results_title = "Pages"; MMK K pain in the arms, neck, back, or jaw. If you have more shot tips for your fellow trans and non-binary travelers, please comment them below! Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with questions you may have regarding a medical condition. EUR "color": "#4c4c4c" Testosterone Injection Pain and Swelling | Am I Okay? It definetely helped, and while it still kinda hurt it was definitely a LOT less than it did before. CNY parseFloat(jdgmSettings.widget_version)>=3?jdgm.loadCSS(jdgm.CDN_HOST+"widget_v3/base.css"): I do small T injections into the fat tissue. height: 50px; window.search_words_prefix_by = 'by'; BBD $ if ( ad != 'true' ) { Currency MYR RM } so even though its extremely expensive inefficient and annoying to apply daily im going back on androgel. While your skin is pulled, you inject the needle and empty the syringe. "color": "#4c4c4c" Icing your skin will also shrink your blood vessels. } I took a shot of testosterone in my and now i have a lump that hurts - Answered by a verified Health Professional . DISCOUNT AUTOMATICALY APPLIED AT CHECKOUT. FKP letter-spacing: 1px; window.cart_add_error = "All {{ title }} are in your cart. "background_color": "#ffffff", Always use clean needles, 70%+ alcohol swabs and let it dry completely. Id still like to know if anyones had any kind of similar experience and appreciate anything on how to handle it. vertical-align: top; If a bruise forms, you likely nicked a vein. BECOME AN INFLUENCER As for icing, a cold pack applied to the area before and after injecting can numb the shot site and reduce your pain. } "fade_color": "#000000", Almost 100% of them asked if I aspirated before injecting. WhenI finally switched to weekly subcutaneous (sub-q) shots, the pain frequency dropped toabout 1 out of every 5-6 shots. font-weight: bold; Terms of Service Its the muscle pain that has been bothering me. }, window.predictive_search_show_vendor = "false"; Please refresh the page in a few moments to see your review. TTD $ function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){ jdgm.loadCSS.requestedUrls=[],jdgm.loadJS=function(e,d){var t=new XMLHttpRequest; "toggle": { Most doctorsteach their patients to swap needles after drawing. Drop your email here to join my list: https://lb.benchmarkemail.com//listbuilder/signupnew?JAxkftwYca0LV7iUZW%252F6Of5pwVnAjsSIdNZEDYwzslftO5iNRn8gS049TyW7spdJ The Lifting Dermatologist Youtube Channel: https://goo.gl/QTt7MQ Our Facebook Group \"TRT and Hormone Optimization\": https://www.facebook.com/groups/hormoneoptimization/ Our MeWe Group \"TRT and Hormone Optimization\": https://mewe.com/join/trtandhormoneoptimization1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.lifting.dermatologist/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevendrdevosc1 window.cart_change_url = "/cart/change"; GMD D This tip comes from Transguy Supply Creative Director, Auston Bjorkman. Even when something doesn't go wrong,the questions above are good ones to ask. "background_color": "#000000", text-align: center; CZK K "title": { window.predictive_search_limit = ""; if ( ! cashback_widget_status: 0 LKR I did mine alone for the first time today as the injections are fully covered and.I have decided Im switching back to the gel no matter how expensive it is. Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. PYG I can walk on my leg but putting pressure or moving the muscle a certain way hurts kind of like when youre sore after hiking or working out. background-color: lightgray; MOP P This is the first time Im doing my shots by myself and its in a different spot too.
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