$3/Month. This site will not work without JavaScript. Note that those downloads are not required for the Creation to work! Karson was introduced in My Story; episode four. Add-on eye overlay here, Bloody mouth (Vampire form): Remussirions Bloody lip overlay here, Defined Hands (Tattoo layer): Sims 4 Nexus Defined Hand Overlay here, Eyelights (Tattoo Layer): Pyxis Eye highlights here, Eyes (Vampire form): Goppolsme Vampire Set Eyes here, Eyebrows (Vampire form): Goppolsme Brows F-G7 here, Veins (Vampire form): Pyxis Demon Days - Vampire Stuff here, Default Eyes: Noodles Glossy Eyes here (No longer available on Noodles site, this is a reupload by a third party), (If you download everything and want the heterochromia to work, you'll need this mesh), Eyeshadow: Goppolsme Makeup Set CC15 here, Lipstick: Goppolsme Bobbi Brown Crushed Liquid Lip here, Lipstick (Vampire form): Pralinesims N189 Lipstick here, Eyeshadow (Vampire form): Goppolsme Vampire Set Lipstick here, Hair (Vampire form): Anto Positions hair here, (Both Hairs require Anto's Chromatic Collection 1 textures for it to work here), Body preset: Luumiasims body height slider medium short here, Shoes: Pinkzombiecupcakes recolor of Sentate's Nadia Boots here, Dress (Vampire form): Plazasims Fringilla dress here. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Then, Claudia made Riku her offical vampire's thrall/slave/human pet and moved him in, giving him a small room filled with basic necessitates and forcing him to get a career, specifically the gardener career as he was also now responsible for taking care of Claudia's plants. {{ translations['sims.gallery.browse.search.options.searchtype'] }}: {{translations['sims.gallery.errors.no.starting.over']}}, Privacy & Cookie Policy (Your Privacy Rights), {{translations['sims.gallery.errors.no.results.single.keywords']}}, {{translations['sims.gallery.errors.no.different.keywords']}}, {{translations['sims.gallery.errors.no.removing.maxis']}}. Below is a list of episodes featured in Season 4. It also makes sense for Claudia to have The Thinker {INTP} personality type as she's a loner, preferring her own company or close family and/or friends over any normal human's company. Claudia also helps Grim Reaper out with the whole reaping souls thing, keeping him busy trying to deal with everyone she killed. Any refund we issue under our usual Terms Of Service will have the retail value of $6.99 deducted from the refund price. A HIGHLY requested video with my CURRENT CC Folder (CAS Edition) DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK Download : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-entire-cc-70223068?utm_medium=clipboard_copy\u0026utm_source=copyLink\u0026utm_campaign=postshare_creatorAlternative Download : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5r7swoa92e65t/my_ENTIRE_mods_folder_(2022). In order to unlink your account, you must set a password. Clare's CC is in high demand. Despite treating him as a slave, Claudia seems to care for Riku, locking him away whenever she is extremely thirsty, and making sure he doesn't see her kill anyone. You can sign up for VIP once your account is created. VIP Exclusive Discord - Chat with your favorite Artists & Discuss everything Sims! ts4. He and Alice did a lot of "jobs" together, and he eventually let her go-even though her debt wasn't paid yet. If you want to support the community, please see the link CC down below. that by closing this notice, interacting with any link or button outside this notice, or by continuing to browse or Claudia seems to love Lucifer dearly and takes care of him quite well. Also, where can i find the glasses?? Claudia's last name came from vonziegenweidtisme after they gifted Tier 1 subscriptions. If the CC is behind a paywall and it has a release date mention that as well. Clare Siobhan CC Links. Clare Siobhan's CC Database. Start your VIP membership for as low as :)My goal is now 1000 subs thanksfor 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------i like avocados --------------------------------------https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/elle-livingroom-furniture/id/1446510/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-adultbedroom/title/monica-bedroom/id/1442052/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-decorative/title/vega-office-decor/id/1433115/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/cleo-living-room-furniture/id/1407998/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/era-livingroom-furniture/id/1401853/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-adultbedroom/title/katarina-bedroom/id/1391656/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-kitchen/title/eco-kitchen-appliances/id/1375645/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/sport-inventory-set/id/1326107/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-miscellaneous/title/gym-equipment-set/id/1326335/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/forest-hut-set/id/1279375/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/avery-living-room/id/1457464/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/erin-living-room/id/1425478/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-adultbedroom/title/erin-bedroom/id/1421979/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-decorative/title/erin-bedroom-decor/id/1421992/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-garden/title/erin-plants/id/1425389/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-decorative/title/erin-dining-room-decor/id/1415984/-https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/NynaeveDesign/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-adultbedroom/title/amber-bedroom/id/1399314/Clare siobhans old mods folder full of here furniture!-https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AO7yDdZS74jwvEI\u0026id=7F9F7E6BBFF4DE12%211231\u0026cid=7F9F7E6BBFF4DE12----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clare siobhans sims 4 furniture//30+CC Links simmer plays 18.6K subscribers 8.2K views 3 years ago Orgin ID:Hjalindber ------------------------------------ Hi! As a result: The Magazine will be publicly available on May 20, 2022. .edu emails don't tend to allow TSR emails through the gateway. She loves giving her little kitten lots of love and often makes sure he has everything he needs including food. Published Mar 7, 2018. Click. The series was originally supposed to be one episode but became a popular addition to Clare's . Claudia's career was also decided by a poll, the other option was Actor/Actress but in the end Doctor won. At the end of the episode, Alice learns that he was arrested for a job she was supposed to help with. Claudia went to work and went she came back she went on an odd job. Karson was created by Harrimth on the gallery. Somehow, Claudia became a vampire again. Realm of Magic), - - - Holly Spicer - deceased (Broken Dream, Witches), - - - - Seth Spicer (Witches, Discover University), - - - - Pamela Delgato (Discover University), - - - - - - Cain Villareal (Discover University, Star Wars), - - - - Eve Spicer - deceased (Witches, Vampires), - -Emily Robins - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - -Taylor Robins - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - -Faith Talley - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - - Kaiden Talley - deceased (In the City), - - - Indigo Robins - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - - Violet Robins - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - - - - Alonzo Mandir (In the City, My story), Spencer Jamison-Alive (Zoe's love instrest, former co-worker Karson's Lawyer), Jennifer Aviles - deceases (Ali's former stalker), Hajar Al Arabi - deceased (Salma's mother), Elsa Bjergsen- deceased (Max's first wife, Sofia's sister, Abel's biological mother, Ex-Member of League of Adventures club), Sofia Bjergsen- deceased (Connor's ex-girlfriend, Elsa's sister, Abel's aunt), Elisha Black - deceased (Amelia and Blanca's mother, Connor's ex girlfriend, Alien), Ashley Collins - deceased (Abel's ex-girlfriend, Phoenix's mother, Asher's cousin), Diya Datta - deceased (Macy's birth mother, James' childhood best friend, former romantic interest), Graham Edge - deceased (Macys birth father), Evie Delgato - deceased (Abel's ex-girlfriend, Pamela's mother), Toby Mounib - deceased (Noelles ex-fianc, Pamela's father), Luna De La Cruz - deceased (Noelle's former friend, Plastics), Grace Ghomari - deceased (Noelles former friend, Plastics), Gerard Fujita (Jamie Fujita's twin brother/ Indigo Robins and Violet Robins' friends), Jamie Fujita (Gerard Fujita's twin brother/ Indigo Robins and Violet Robins' friends), Ryland Griffith - deceased (Lilith's ex-boyfriend,Fatima's ex-boyfriend, Joseph's Father), Joey Holt - deceased (Jaime/Antony/Asher/Kylie's former roommate), Candy Behr - deceased (Connor's ex-girlfriend), Corey Johnson - deceased (Emily's old love interest), Jay Jones- deceased (Emma's ex-boyfriend, Lucia's husband,ex-husband of Elisha Black), Zach Jones - deceased (Jay Jones brother, Charlotte Roses old crush), Ayaka Burnett - deceased (Erika Callery-Aiken, Simon Burnett and Jane Burnett's mother), Ezequiel Mandir (Fatima and Roger Burnett's son, Joseph's brother), Fatima Mandir- deceased (Lilith's old best friend, Joseph, Ezequiel, and Javon's mother, Abel's former crush), Javon Mandir (Fatima and Roger Burnett's son, Joseph's brother, Ezequiel's twin), Hugo Villareal - deceased (Maxs brother), Jacques Villareal - deceased (Maxs father), Kylie Sass - deceased (Jaimes ex-roommate, Nathan's kidnapper/caregiver), Julian Wurth - deceased (Former love interest of Noelle, Nathan's father), Seiji Yoshida - deceased (Dreamhouse butler), Herve Lacat - deceased (Former intern for Taylor Robins), Rieko Melendez (Former nanny to James, Charlotte Rose, Summer and Sebastian), Robyn Smith (Chases and Nathans love interest), Emilee Benolt - deceased (Asher's previous fling), Norman Smith - deceased (Roxy and Taylor's foster-father, deceased), Jaime Win (Macy's old friend/love interest ), Kingston Latham - deceased (Luna's Former stalker), Dwayne Beasley (Fatima's husband, Joseph, Ezequiel and Javons Step-Dad), Princeton Walsh (Snobby Ex-Friend of Sebastian), Christian Guidry - deceased (Connor's friend through his childhood/teenhood), Danielle Villareal - deceased (Maxs Niece, Liliths and Abels Cousin, Lunas Daughter), Kelsey Villareal - deceased (Maxs Niece, Liliths and Abels Cousin, Lunas Daughter), Amelia Black - deceased (Connor Callery-Aiken and Elisha Black's daughter, Erika's Step-Daughter, Blanca Black's sister), Blanca Black - deceased (Connor Callery-Aiken and Elisha Black's daughter, Erika's Step-Daughter, Sister to Amelia Black), Raylan Black (Blanca Black's son, Connors grandson, and Erikas Step-grandson), Marc Redkey - deceased (Husband to Luna Iskadar, Alien, and father of Luna's children), Karlee Iskadar (First daughter to Luna and Marc Redkey), Meredith Iskadar (Second daughter to Luna and Marc Redkey), Lizbeth Iskadar (Thirth daugther to Luna and Marc Redkey), Raj Rasoya - deceased (James and Salma's first neighbour), Penny Pizzazz - deceased (James and Salma's second neighbour), Neveah Ofori Kagaya - deceased (Chase's ex-girlfriend), Sloane Browne - deceased (Sebastian's co-worker and first love), Micah Granados (Samuel B's former love interest, Reuben's love interest), Braylen Franklin (Samuel B's first crush, Samuel B's former love interest), Dylan Sigworth (Pamela's 1st university romance), Zara London (The mother to Terrence's daughter, Elizabeth), -Bruno Callery-Aiken- deceased (Connor's Dog), - Eevee Callery-Aiken - deceased (Carrie's Dog), - Frankie Jett - deceased (Jessica and Roxy's Cat), -Mojo Callery-Aiken - deceased (Ciara's Cat), - Anastasia Jett - deceased (Ryder's Cat), - Laika Villareal - deceased (Abel's Dog), -Meeko Villareal -deceased (Lilith's Dog), - Ziggy Callery-Aiken - deceased (Summer's Dog), - Salem Spicer - deceased (Phoenixs Cat), - Bjorn Callery-Aiken - deceased (Willows Dog), - Buttercup Callery-Aiken - deceased (Willow's sheep). Life State All LODs This left Alice upset as she was confused about why Karson wasn't messaging her back. In this diagram, some individuals have (D) next to their name. - - James Callery-Aiken - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City, In the Suburbs), - - Salma Callery-Aiken - deceased (In the City, In the Suburbs), - - - Charlotte Rose Collins - deceased (In the City, In the Suburbs, Cats & Dogs), - - - Asher Collins - deceased (In the Suburbs, Cats & Dogs), - - - - Noelle Street- deceased(Cats and Dogs, In the Suburbs, Teen Runaway), - - - - - Nathan Street- deceased (Teen Runaway, In the Suburbs), - - - - - Bella O'Reilly- deceased (In the Suburbs), - - - - - - Alice Street (In the Suburbs, My story, Back To Uni), - - - -Willow Collins - deceased (In the Suburbs, Rags To Riches), - - - - Yona Dutton - deceased (Rags To Riches), - - - - - Nita Collins (Rags To Riches, Realm of Magic, Mini Magic), - - - - - Nanami Okawe (Road To Fame, Realm of Magic, Mini Magic), - - - - - Kenai Collins (Rags To Riches, My story, Eco Lifestyle), - - - - - Primrose Collins-Johnson (Eco Lifestyle, New open world series), - - - -Chase Collins- deceased (In the Suburbs), - - - - Valentine Bloome- deceased (In the Suburbs), - - - - - Zo-Rose Bloome (In the Suburbs, My story, Back To Uni), - - - Connor Callery-Aiken - deceased (In the Suburbs, Cats & Dogs), - - - Erika Callery-Aiken - deceased (In the Suburbs, Cats & Dogs), - - - - Summer Callery-Aiken - deceased (In The Suburbs, Cats & Dogs, Road to Fame), - - - - Seiji Okawe - deceased (Road to Fame), - - - - Sebastian Callery-Aiken (Cats & Dogs, StrangerVille, Stranger Stories, Vampires), - - - - Sage Callery-Aiken (Cats & Dogs, Stranger Stories, Island Living), - - - - - Kai Callery-Aiken (Island Living, My story), - - - Macy Datta - deceased (In the Suburbs, Cats and Dogs), - - - Akira Mikitani - deceased (Cats and Dogs), - - - - Airi Datta Mikitani (Cats and Dogs, Island Living), - -Jessica Callery-Aiken - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - -Roxy Jett - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - -Ciara Fisher - deceased (Dreamhouse, Cats & Dogs, In the City), - - -Anthony Fisher - deceased (Dreamhouse, Cats & Dogs), - - - - Carrie Dennison - deceased (Cats and Dogs, In the Suburbs), - - - - Tyler Dennison - deceased (In the Suburbs), - - - - - Catherine Dennison (In the Suburbs), - - - - Hunter Fisher- deceased (Cats and Dogs, Dreamhouse), - - - - Salom Fisher- deceased (Cats and Dogs), - - - - - Ericka Fisher (Discover University), - - - - - Lea Fisher (Discover University), - - - - - Terrence Fisher (Discover University), - - - - - - Elizabeth London (Discover University), - - - - Reuben Fisher - deceased (Dreamhouse, Cats & Dogs), - - -Ryder Jett - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - - Jake Jett - deceased (Dreamhouse, In the City), - - - - Cody Jett (StrangerVille, Stranger Stories, Dreamhouse, Vampires), - - - Luna Iskadar- deceased (In the City, Dreamhouse), - -Emma Villareal - deceased (Dreamhouse, Broken Dream), - -Max Villareal - deceased (Broken Dream), - - -Lilith Villareal - deceased (Dreamhouse, Broken Dream, In the City), - - - Jaime Street - deceased (Broken Dream, Teen Runaway), - - - - Samuel-Blaze Villareal (Broken Dream, StrangerVille, Stranger Stories, Witches, Vampires), - - -Abel Villareal - deceased(Broken Dream,), - - - - Phoenix Villareal - deceased (Broken Dream, Road to Fame), - - - - Francisco Carlin- deceased (Road to Fame, Realm Of Magic), - - - - - Raven Villareal (Road to Fame. So most of the cc is from my mods folder so some will be merged into a package file but they are all there [btw this is not my mods folder it's too big to be uploaded}. Claudia despises Vlad and sees him her {mortal} enemy. hair half up {pinned back} & half down with a big black floppy hat. Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. !CC folder: https://mega.nz/folder/jAJhxCgS#TIW_WEbIYftpBhXvb90SqAPart 2: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/cu3sg8vewjlha/The_African_Simmer_%233_pt2Thank you soo much for watchingLike and SubscribeByeeeeeeeeeee 1/20/2021 Do you know if this reshade works with ReShade 4.9.1? By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 68 exclusive . Jen Hair . Claudia plans to invite Brynn to join the household until she can find a way to revive her considering she's wants to be best friends with her and it is her fault she's dead in the first place. Claudia is the fifth character to kill someone. Hi guys, I tried to do Clare Siobhan Callery also known as Clare Siobhan in CAS on The Sims 4. She is now trying to regain her powers and create a legacy of powerful . sims female cc. To view birthdays of the main sims in the series, click here. create a sim. Claudia also gets dried, dripping, messy and smeared blood as a sign of how much blood she drank in the past and it {permanently?} The dates may vary by one day depending on the upload time in your specific time zone.). Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. cc. The Cast Hallucination power gives her the ability to cast hallucinations on others that others don't appear to see, making the sim look crazy, stops them from doing anything and appears to make them unable to walk until the hallucination ends. She also has a naturally unique appearance which is probably a side affect/perk{?} A current trend among some gaming YouTubers is to emulate events occurring in BitLife in Sims 4. He was arrested in episode 4 of My Story but released in the following episode. mods folder. sims. Family Tree: https://www.theplumtreeapp.com/public/5e654562826f110006b7f465. Claudia absolutely hates humans so she doesn't mind killing them off as she finds them annoying and idiotic, not quite understanding humans or technology yet. Even in her vampire form she looks quite innocent, the only scary part about her being her eyes and the blood around her mouth. Unlock everything by joining our VIP supporters plan today! Below is a list of episodes featured in Season 3. Leah Lilith's Horizonte Hair . my whole cc folder (55 gb) . As a VIP you can add up to 1GB of favorite items and download them all in one click. She also went exploring for some collectibles and then sold them. Apr 25, 2023 - Explore Mai's board "Clare siobhans cc" on Pinterest. but sadly her rank and powers reset, leaving her with powers of a beginner vampire. Karson Mathias He worked in a gang and was sent to get Alice Street to pay her dad's debt. of her being a vampire as there obviously is something unique about her. Claudia Von Ziegenweid is the founder and matriarch of the Von Ziegenweid Vampire Legacy. However, years later, Karson and Alice rekindled their friendship and decided to enter an official relationship. Von Ziegenweid is pronounced Von Zee-Gen-Vide, but Clare sometimes says it as Von Zee-Gen-Veed. More information ALL MY NEW CUSTOM CONTENT/MODS! On multiple occasions Claudia has shown that she's not afraid to step on a few people or step on a few toes in order to get what she wants, showing how not only determined she is but also how greedy she is and that her number one priority is her {and probably her kids or at least her heir and maybe the rest of the other vampires}. See more ideas about sims 4, sims 4 mods, sims. Let me know what you think of her look and if it needs any additional work! Submissions are always welcome and appreciated. Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki 730 pages Explore Wiki Content Community in: Characters, Not So Berry Challenge, Not So Berry Character, and 9 more Lila Berry View source Lila Berry Status Elder (Deceased) Life State Quarter Alien (Considered Human) Pronouns She/Her Sexuality Lesbian Colour Plum Generation Five Generation Requirements Family Tree: https://www.theplumtreeapp.com/public/5eb9f2343381460006f5a2b4. Creator Notes. Thanks for looking at my ytmore videos and cc links willbe coming soon :)-----------------------------------The cc i always use!My eyes-https://simfileshare.net/folder/59417/My extra skin colors-https://www.xmiramira.com/single-post/2016/11/10/Melanin-Pack-2My eyelashes-http://kijiko-catfood.com/Mouth,corners-https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-skindetails/title/mouth-corners-n03/id/1330957/No EA lashes-http://cienzroza.blogspot.com/2017/04/soon-little-thing.htmlMy cas background-https://www.simsdom.com/en/download/the-sims4/item/whitestudio-casbackground-bc06-143038--------------------------------------------------Comment and subscribe! sim download. Claudia returned home and had her first night of sleep in her new coffin and went to her work immediately after waking up. shopping. Once she got over her sickness Claudia dug up and sold a few collectibles and then went to a {different} park with Riku. Download it all together in just one click! whis you still gave os your cc :(1 . This is a Set with 2 Creations - Click here to show all. Jul 6, 2019 - Explore Monika's board "Clare Siobhan CC", followed by 324 people on Pinterest. She also wears patterned see through faded to black gloves and black thigh high boots. Johnny continued asking her out, which annoys her to no end. READ ME!!!! *Note: games are non-refundable once this plan is purchased. All of the episodes are on Clare's channel so make sure to go and show your support for the series! Orgin ID:Hjalindber------------------------------------Hi! cas. purchase. #sims4 #sims4ccI saw a lot of people asking for the cc links on gallery so i decided to make a quick little videoAlso if you would like to me link other sim. Dec 6, 2021 - Explore Brittany Miller's board "Clare siobhan" on Pinterest. Juliette Yoshida (Reuben's friend) Jaime Win (Macy's old friend/love interest ) Kingston Latham - deceased (Luna's Former stalker) Walter Rose (Evie's husband) Dwayne Beasley (Fatima's husband, Joseph, Ezequiel and Javon's Step-Dad) Princeton Walsh (Snobby Ex-Friend of Sebastian) As a VIP member, you can One Click download, install and manage your custom Clare uses a lot of that cc creators stuff it's super high quality + amazing Here are 2 more sets of cc i love that clare has too 1: (I think used for lil conner): https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-kidsbedroom/title/dakota-kidsroom/id/1503920/ Ty <3. She is a doctor and was genius vampire before she was exiled from Forgotten Hollow and stripped of her vampire abilities. Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki Community in: Custom content CC Links View source Everyone wants Clare's CC. Claudia Von Ziegenweid is the founder and matriarch of the Von Ziegenweid Vampire Legacy. The Sims 4 The Sims Mobile The Sims Freeplay The Sims 4 Discover Browse All Expansion Packs Game Packs Stuff Packs Kits Bundles News & Updates Gallery About Cheats FAQs Tips and Tricks Forum Discover Browse All Expansion Packs Game Packs Stuff Packs Kits Bundles News & Updates Gallery About Cheats FAQs Tips and Tricks Forum EA App for Windows . Following Clare updating her BitLife Season 2 of BitLife commenced on the 31st of March, 2019 and ended on June 16, 2019, due to cancellation. Sims 4 female cc folder. Applicable platform account, internet connection, and EA account may be required. Polls. Upon her return from work Claudia updated/added to her social media story on her phone {quite miserably because she had to eat human food at work and got sick}. When Judith stoppted hallucinating Claudia not only drank from her but also Octavia Bailey, who witnessed Claudia drinking Judith's plasma/blood. Please make sure to go back to the Season 3 began on the 22nd of February, 2020, bringing back the series, but ended on June 5, 2020. Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki 730 pages Explore Wiki Content Community in: Templates, Criminal, My Story, and 6 more Karson Mathias View source Karson Mathias Status Adult (alive) Life State Human Pronouns He/Him Relationships Children Blakely Mathias Emory Street Girlfriend (s) Alice Street Affiliations Occupation (s) Criminal (formerly) Series The sims 4.The African Simmer The African Simmer 5.04K. content fast and easy with the TSR CC Manager. When Claudia heard that vampires were struggling and slowly going extinct, she suggested the idea to procreate with humans to solve the problem but the elder vampires disagreed of the community {specifically Vlad}. Not much is known about Claudia's life that would've happened before the challenge as Clare created her as a young adult. Below is a list of episodes featured in Season 2. - : : : : - .Thanks for watching!Don't forget to follow me on twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/kiasimssDont forget to join the DISCORD (shout out to kii for making it ) : https://discord.gg/qjkFV4ZpRAfeel free to comment suggestions or just talk to me hmu :)) insta @kiasimsstwitter @KiasimsYT tik tok @kiasimssGallery ID @kiasimss Eye Preset: Obscurus Female Eye preset n8 here, Mouth Preset: PlayersWonderland Mouthpreset n16 here, Skin Overlay: Goppolsme Overlay Faceskin V1 here, Eyelashes: Kijiko 3D Eyelashes Ver.2 here, Eyebags: sims3melancholic Eyebags #1 here, Nosemask: Obscurus Overlay Nosemasks set n2 here, Mouthcorners: Pralinesims Mouthcorners N01 here, (Complete and updated Pralinesims Skin Details kit here), Black Sclera (Vampire form): Pyxis Aloha! As a VIP member, you can add up to 1 Gb of custom content in your To enjoy the hair properly in game:
the sims 4. the sims cc. !Hello everybody so in today's video I made another cc folder but with a lot more cc. Karson joined the Criminal career and Clare mentioned that he might have been in a similar place that Alice was in. Claudia considered dating Johnny, eventually deciding against it. }, Charlotte Houghts {First murder victim and test for making sure the deadly vampire mod was working before killing off Ashton}, Brynn Houghts {First accidental murder victim but still her 2nd murder victim}, Ashton Houghts {Her 3rd murder victim but first non testing or accidental murder victim, main first love interest {Riku doesn't count as he didn't marry/date Claudia and didn't have child with her, he was just a minion}, biological father to the 2nd gen}, Aya Sakamoto {a friend of Riku's. VIP Memberships goes towards paying our Artists & improving the website. 0 She is now trying to regain her powers and create a legacy of powerful vampires. He/Him She also got jealous when Riku's friend Aya confessed her feelings for him, prompting Claudia to kill her so that she could have Riku all to herself. This is an unofficial page created to house all of Clare Siobhan's past and present CC. claresiobhanccdatabase. During their time at the park Claudia found and then sold some frogs and collectibles. (The Sims 4 CC Shopping!) - YouTube Comments More like this Sims 4 Cc Skin Sims 4 Mm Cc Sims 1 Sims 4 Mods Clothes Sims Mods Sims 4 Cas Background Sims 4 Cheats With no money and no shelter from the sun, life suddenly became very difficult for Claudia. She even gave him a residence key so he could come over whenever he wanted. He and Alice hated each other at first but became friends after a stakeout one night. He had a soft spot for Alice and let her go. . Start your VIP Membership from as low as $3/Month, 1999-2023 Enthusiast Gaming (TSR) Inc. - All rights reserved. 3 years ago + 8 #other accessories #Summer. After she returned from her odd job, Claudia invited over Riku and drank some of his blood. Girlfriend(s) You agree Claudia has made good friends with the Grim Reaper and always love the chance to catch up with him whenever she has the chance. <3 xx. Here Are The CC Links For Clare Siobhan Builds // Run By ClareSiobhanLinks Info; Series By Series; Archive; Ski Lodge - CC Links (Last Updated 6/12/21) 6/12 Brownstone Set - 1 / 2 / 3 Country Kitchen - DOWNLOAD Eco Living - DOWNLOAD Orjanic Set - 1 / 2. 29/10 Orjanic 1 - DOWNLOAD Romantic Garden - DOWNLOAD Brownstone 2 - DOWNLOAD Orjanic 2 - DOWNLOAD Brownstone 1 - DOWNLOAD Kichen - DOWNLOAD Industry Kitchen - DOWNLOAD Soho Kitchen - DOWNLOAD 1/11 Chalet Living - DOWNLOAD 3/11 Pufferhead Set - DOWNLOAD. She is a doctor and was genius vampire before she was exiled from Forgotten Hollow and stripped of her vampire abilities. Sims Cc Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Cc Folder Play Sims Sims 4 Cc Finds Sims 4 Custom Content Maxis Match Mod More information . Clare Siobhan Callery-Aiken (The Real Life Person), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Save your favorites for download into The Sims 4! She lives in her mansion in Del Sol Valley with her children, Draco and Maya, and her vampire's thrall, Riku. Here Are The CC Links For Clare Siobhan Sims & Series // Not Clare <3 Search By Series; Extra CC; Info; Socials; British History Legacy; Ask me anything; Archive; Opal Berry Updates - CC Links (22/8/22) Hair
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